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Это методичка для спецалистов обучающихся по специальности сварочные технологии
1. Прочтите в слух данные слова и словосочетания и примеры с ними. Постарайтесь запомнить значения данных слов и словосочетаний. Join – соединять Joint – соединение, стык Joining – соединение, процесс We join metals and plastics by melting. Welding is one of methods of join metals and other material. After welding had been completed, the joint was leaned and inspected. Melt – плавить, плавиться Melting - плавление Molten – расплавленный Steel has a high melting point. The are energy is used for melting the base metal and electrode metal. Metals melted by the are joined together. Fuse – сплавлять, соединять Fusion – сплавление, соединение Fusion welding. To weld metals it is necessary to melt and fuse them together. Metals are melted and fused together by the heat of the welding arc. Edge – кромка The edges of the joint should be cleaned and inspected before welding. Surface – поверхность The edges and the surface were heated, melted and fused together. Before welding it is necessary to clan and inspect edges and surfaces of the work piece. Create – создавать The are is created between the electrode and the work to be welded. There are some methods of creating an are. Source – источник The electric are is a source of heat. There are many source of heat energy. “The Welding Journal” is a good source of practical and scientific information. Refractory – тугоплавкий Tungsten is a refractory metal. Some welding electrodes are produced of refractory metals. Provide – снабжать, обеспечивать, предусматривать The welding are provide heat necessary for melting metal edges and surfaces. When welding you must provide a number of important factors. A welding operator should be provided with all the necessary materials, tools and equipment. To make a good weld it is necessary to provide its protection from the atmosphere. Establish – устанавливать, учреждать The E.O. Paton Institute of Arc Welding in Kiev was established in 1932. The are may be established between the work and the electrode or between two electrodes. Current – переменный Direct – постоянный Polarity – полярность Straight – прямая Reserve – обратная There are two kinds of welding current: direct and alternating current (d.c. and a.c.). Welding current is produced by welding machines. The welding machines are source of welding current. Direct current is produced in generators. Alternating current is produced in transformers. The d.c. has two polities: straight polarity (SP) and reserve polarity (RP). The alternating current changes its direction 50 times per second. Direct current are welding gives better results. Penetrate – проникать, проваривать Penetration – провар, проникновение If the electrode is moved too fast (quickly) along the groove, there ewill be very little metal deposited and practically no fusion or penetration will be obtained. The depth (deep) of the crater indicates the amount of penetration or the depth of fusion. The application of bare electrodes usually results in poor penetration. Straight polarity electrodes can be used, but for better penetration, a reserve polarity will give best results. Reduce – уменьшать, снижать Increase – увеличивать To produce a strong weld joint it is necessary to increase the length of the are. Metal to be welded must be heated to reduce the rate of cooling during welding. Hold (held) – держать, удерживать Holder – держатель We use the electrode holder for holding an electrode. The electrode holder should be strong and light. There are many kinds of electrode holders. Cable – кабель Ground – земля, заземлять, заземление There are two types of cable – electrode cables and ground cable. The welding cables are usually produced of copper and aluminum. Connect – соединять, присоединять The electrode holder is connected with the electrode cable. The work is connected with the griund cable. The connection should be strong and positive. Technique – технология, метод, техника Technique of metal arc welding. In recent years new techniques, equipment and processes have been developed. Strike – зажигать There are some methods of striking an electric arc. To begin welding it is necessary to strike an arc. Where the arc strikes the base metal, metal is melted. After you are able to strike an arc, try to hold a short arc. Maintain – поддерживать After striking an arc it is necessary to maintain it. Strike an arc and try to maintain it. In order to be a good welder it is necessary to know the technique of striking and maintaining an arc. Result – приводить к чему-либо Too high current results in defects arc has resulted in the development of many welding processes. Pool – лунка, ванночка, кратер дуги After the arc is struck, it melts a small pool or crater on the surface of the base metal. Molten metal is carried over by the arc to the molten pool on the workpiec. Deposit – наплав, наплавлять, насыпать The electrode is melted and deposited in the crater. If we use a flux-coated electrode, the deposit will be better than with a bare metal electrode. A deposited metal is the metal that has been added by the welding process. In this process a special granulated flux was deposited an the joint to be welded. This welding technique provides a deep uniform fusion an good deposit. Filler – присадочный (материал) The metal electrode is a filler metal. The metal electrode conducts the current and provides a filler metal. Groove – разделка, канавка The groove was filler with the molten metal. There are many types of grooves. The groove is not necessary when welding sheet metals. Circuit – цепь (сварочная, электрическая) A welding circuit consist of a source of electric energy, two cable, a workpiec to be welded and other elements. One of the cables is used for the connection to the electrode holder and the other for the ground metal to complete the circuit. When current flows across the gap (distance, between the electrode and the joint) in an electric circuit, an arc is formed or created. 3. Подберите к английским глаголам соответствующие эквиваленты. Запишите полученные пары в тетрадь: 1. melt 2. join 3. fuse 4. create 5. strike 6. provide 7. flow 8. hold 9. connect 10. maintain 11. deposit 12. result (in) 13. increase 14. depend 15. penetrate 16. mean 17. ground 18. circuit 19. alternating 20. source 1. держать 2. поддерживать 3. переменный 4. подсоединять 5. заземлять 6. наплавлять 7. плавиться 8. источник 9. создавать 10. увеличивать 11. цепь 12. приводить к чему-либо 13. протекать, течь 14. зависеть 15. проворачивать 16. обеспечивать 17. зажигать 18. сплавлять, расплавлять 19. значит, означать 20. канавка, разделка 4. Прочтите и переведите группы слов, подобрав соответствующие эквиваленты к подчеркнутым словам: 1. welded joint 2. melting point 3. clean surface 4. edge of a work 5. source of current 6. refractory metal 7. straight polarity 8. alternating current 9. a.c. transformer 10. electrode holder 11. welding technique 12. molten pool 13. filler metal 14. consumable electrode 15. ground cable 16. welding circuit 17. good fusion 1. прямая (полярность) 2. трансформатор 3. технология 4. присадочный 5. соединение 6. сплавление 7. кромка 8. переменный 9. лунка, ванночка 10. заземление 11. поверхность 12. плавящийся 13. тугоплавкий 14. цепь 15. присадочный 16. источник 17. неплавящийся 5. Переведите слова правой колонки по образцу: Образец: Join – соединять Connect - подсоединять Hold - держать Fill - наполнять Ground - заземлять Create - создавать Melt - плавить Fuse - сплавлять Penetrate - проваривать Consume - потреблять Strike - зажигать Deposit - наплавлять Transform - преобразовывать Generate - генерировать Joint – соединение Connection Holder Filler Grounding Creating Melting Fusion Penetration Consumable Striking Deposit Transformer Generator 6. Прочтите группы слов. Переведите их устно, выбрав из правого ряда их русские значения: 1. workpiec metal 2. refractory 3. electrode metal 4. base metal 5. metal to be welded 6. molten metal 7. weld metal 8. wire metal 9. filler metal 10. consumable metal 11. deposited metal 12. protected metal 13. non-consumable metal 1. присадочный материал 2. металл шва 3. металл проволоки 4. неплавящийся металл 5. плавящийся металл 6. основной металл 7. тугоплавкий металл 8. наплавленный металл 9. расплавленный металл 10. металл, который надо сварить 11. металл электрода 12. свариваемый металл 13. защищенный металл 14. металл детали 7. Запишите в тетрадь данные слова и их русские значения: 1. metal-arc welding process 2. base metal to be welded 3. direct-current metal-arc welding 4. alternating-current welding machine 5. straight-polarity, direct-current metal-arc welding technique 6. transformer-type metal-arc welding current 7. low-voltage high amperage welding current 8. aluminium ground cable 9. high quality weld 10. combination welding machine 11. small molten metal pool 8. Прочтите предложения, укажите и запишите в тетрадь № предложений, где говорится о сварке. Обоснуйте свой выбор: 1. The circuit consists of two cables, a source of energy and other components. 2. the fabrication of iron and steel has greatly developed. 3. the increase of current results in the increase of penetration. 4. there are some methods of creating an arc. 5. the first problem was how to reconstruct and modernize the foundry shop. 6. the arc has a very high temperature and able to melt refractory metals. 7. there are two types of current: direct and alternating. 8. penetration is a major factor in making high quality welds. 9. the technique of machining the workpiec was developed by the shop specialists. 10. a holder is connected to the electrode cable. 11. cables connect the work and the electrode with the source of welding current. 12. the consumable electrode is hot only a conductor of electric current but is also a filler metal. 13. the arc bridge across the Irtysh river was built in 1978. 14. the knowledge of properties of the material enabled the operator to machine the work very quickly and exactly. 15. if you want to weld you should know the technique of striking and maintaining the arc. 16. too high current results in a deep fusion or penetration. 17. the current two-year plan of reconstruction of the foundry has been discussed and adopted at the meeting. 18. the metal electrode is a filler metal and during the process of welding is deposited in a molten pool. 19. direct current may be used under two conditions of polarity-straight and reverse. 20. to produce an alloy it is necessary to melt two or more metals and fuse them together. 9. Переведите устно выбранные Вами предложения; 10. Закончите предложения, используя слова, данные справа: 1. the intense heat is … by the arc. 2. the electric arc is the best … of the heat energy. 3. the arc is able to melt … metals. 4. sometimes the arc is … between the two non-consumable electrodes. 5. there are two types of current … and … 6. the depth of fusion is named … . 7. the electrode … is used for holding an electrode. 8. when the electrode is in contact with the work, the … is completed. 9. the electric current and polarity, both … and … are an important factor in producing high quality welds. 10. the ... cables connect the … metal with a … of energy. 11. the … electrode is a conductor and at the same time a … metal. 12. intense heating … in melting the base metal and the electrode. Penetration Circuit Ground To be created Filler To result (in) Alternating Source To be produced Reverse Holder Straight Direct Base Refractory Consumable Quality Property 11. Прочтите интернациональные слова, дайте их русские названия: Metal, mechanical, pressure, process, intense, electric, energy, transform, temperature, concentration, industrial, zone, base, electrode, stability, factor, type, polarity, generator, special, transformer, voltage, amperage, reduce, crater, inspect, regular, cable, form, compensate, portion, contact, distance, absorb, ultraviolet, component, gas, ionize, discuss, proportion. 13. Закончите предложения, используя группы слов в правом ряду: 1. the arc is created … 2. the electric arc is … 3. the direct current is … 4. metal-arc welding is … 5. the electric arc produces … 6. flux coating is … 7. there are two … 8. the quality of weld … 9. a great amount of electric energy is … … produced by generators. … transformed into heat energy. … depends upon many factors. … between the electrode and the work to be welded. … a source of heat energy. … a method of joining metals. … used for proportion of the welding zone. … methods of creating an arc. … a great amount of heat energy. 13Переведите устно составленные вами предложения. 14. Информация: В тексте встречаются слова и словосочетания, образованные от глагола “mean” а) to mean – означать, значить ‘DC’ means direct current. ![]() c) by means of – посредством чего-либо The carbon electrode was held by means of a special holder. 15. Переведите устно предложения 1. this means that the current coming to the transformer is 220 V. 2. by means of electric arc, the great amount of electrical energy is transformed into heat energy. 3. an increase of current means deeper penetration and even burn though. 4. the other means such as heating, melting and fusing may be used. 5, metals to be welded were heated and melted by means of the electric arc. 6. this, of source, means higher welding current. 7. in many cases, this does not mean application of special technique. 8. modern means of welding inspection include ultrasonic, X-rays, and other techniques. 9. the heating of the surface is provided by means of the electric arc and by other means. 10. there are various means that can be applied to inspect the weld. 16. Информация: the PARTICIPLE 1 может входить в состав Независимого причастного оборота. Действие в обороте выражено не подлежащим, а существительным, входящим в оборот. НПО переводиться придаточным предложением с союзами: т.к., если, и, а, причём, прежде: 1. there are many methods of joining metals, welding being one of the best methods. Имеется много способов соединения металлов, причём сварка один из лучших способов. 2. welding having been completed, the weld was cleaned and inspected. После того, как сварка была завершена, шов был очищен и проверен. 17. Найдите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом и переведите их письменно: 1. sometimes, ferrous metals are joined by copper electrodes, no flux being applied. 2. aftor having been welded, the welds were inspected, the results being studied by the welding operators and inspectors. 3. the welding current is produced by special welding generators increasing or reducing the current. 4. tungsten being a refractory metal, we use it in tungsten-arc welding. 5. the electrodes developed for this technique are called contact electrodes, there being two types: Contact 15 and Contact 18 electrodes. 6. the Contact 18 electrodes give better results because the coating material produces a gas shield around the arc, the welding process being done in this shielding gas atmosphere. 7. when using electrode a very short arc must be maintained to fuse the edges of the joint. 8. the wire used in producing this type of electrodes varies from the other types, the difference being in the electrode coating. 18. Найдите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения и переведите их письменно: 1. the weld to be inspected was cleaned. 2. the arc is created between the metal to be welded and the electrode. 3. in order to get better fusion you must increase the current. 4. it is necessary that the weld be made in horizontal position. 5. aluminium is a very good to weld metals. 6. welding is to be performed in all the position. 7. high-quality welds depend upon such factors as the metals to be joined, the machine to be used, the type of the current to be applied, the welding operator to perform these welds. 8. to make high-quality welds it is necessary to know the “Know-how and Know-why of welding technique”. 9. it is necessary that the electrodes to be used in this process be coated with special mineral coating designed for AC welding. 19. Информация: Инфинитив в предложении может выполнять функцию обстоятельства цели: (in order) to produce an alloy it is necessary to heat and melt two or more metals and mix them. Для того, чтобы получить сплав, необходимо … You should apply direct current to weld these two metals. Вы должны применить постоянный ток, для того, чтобы сварить эти два металла. 20. Переведите письменно предложения 1. in order to get good penetration to use proper current and polarity. 2. the electrode is held so as to maintain the arc. 3. it is required that proper current and polarity be applied to get deep and uniform penetration. 4. the electrode holder should be strong to hold an electrode in position you should to hold an electrode in position when welding. 5. to weld in vertical position you should know technique of vertical welding. 6. in order to make a weld it is necessary to strike the electric arc, maintain it and also to perform a number of other operations. 7. the electrode coating is used in order to protect the arc from the atmosphere. 8. to be a good welder you must know the “know-how” of welding. 21. Информация: Слово “number” может означать: 1. количество, ряд, номер To must a weld it is necessary to perform a number of operations. Чтобы выполнить шов, необходимо повести ряд операций. You must know the number and type electrodes, for example, the number 2 VW-type electrodes. Вы должны знать номер и топ электрода, например, “электроды №2 типа VW”. 22. Переведите предложения письменно: 1. there are a number of factories producing welding equipment for welding industry. 2. a great number of alloys have been developed for commercial application. 3. the welding operator experimented with the two numbers of electrodes: Contact 15 and Contact 18 electrodes. 4. the number of operations given in the instruction are: 1,2,5,11. it is necessary not only to follow this order but to consider a number of other factors. 23. Прочтите отрывки. В каких из них рассказывается о сварке: a. The next problem is the electrode holder. This should be mechanically strong, light in weight and hold the electrode firmly in position during welding, but allow easy removal and replacement of an electrode. It must not be too not. The connection from the electrode holder to machine is made by cable. b. This is one of the most important lessons in the course and you must repeat all the operations until the student who is operating is able to tell the student who works as an inspector what he is doing. After this has been done, and it will take some time to do it, then the students are to change place and repeat their operations. c. Increased use of the hydraulic press in stamping plants has been seen during the past five years. Its flexibility as to length of stroke as well as controlled speed of stroke, make it particularly valuable to the job stamping shop. Today, hydraulic presses designed for both short and long strokes are of capacities up to 5.000 tons and more. d. Be careful that you do not move the electrode too fast so that the deposited metal. Continue this operation until you are able to create the arc every time and stop it, and create again and maintain it in any position. 24. Прочтите отрывок А кадра 23 и скажите, о чем в нем рассказывается. 25. Прочтите отрывок А, и скажите, каким требованиям должен удовлетворять электрододержатель. 26. Информация: Повелительное предложение обычно начинается с глагола : Например: Be careful. – Будьте внимательны! Будьте осторожны! Maintain. – Поддерживайте дугу Do not look at the arc. – Не смотрите на дугу! 27. Переведите предложения устно: 1. do not play with the arc. 2. strike an arc and maintain it for some minutes. 3. inspect the penetration and the appearance of the weld. 4. hold the electrode in a vertical position. 5. feed the electrode into the zone of welding. 6. practice starting the arc and holding it. 7. never look at the arc without using a special shield. 8. do not stop training until you are able to start, maintain and stop the arc at any time and place you wish. 28. Прочтите отрывок Д кадра 23 и скажите по-русски, о чём говориться в повелительных предложениях-инструкциях: Be careful … Continue … 29. Прочтите текст А и скажите по-русски, о чём этот текст: Text A. 1. metal arc welding is a method of joining metals by heating, melting and fusing the edges or surfaces together, no mechanical pressure being applied. Metal-arc welding is a fusion welding process. 2. in metal-arc welding, the intense heat, required to melt and fuse metal of the work to be welded, is created by an electric arc. The arc is most widely used source of electrical energy, and, therefore, heat energy for fusion welding. By means of the arc the great amount of electrical energy is transformed into heat energy in a small space (zone). 3. the electric arc is a highly desirable source of welding heat for a number of reasons. It has a very high temperature – 6.000 – 10.0000FF. (according to Fahrenheit) and is able to melt refractory metals and alloys having a very high melting point. The electric arc is the highest concentration of electrical energy used in any industrial process. This property permits (allows) it to produce a large amount of heat in the welding zone. 4. there are two simple ways of using the electric arc to provide welding heat. It can be established (created) between two electrodes or it can be created between the electrode and base metal to be welded. Of course, there are other ways of creating the arc. 5. the stability and other properties of the welding arc depend upon such factors as the current and polarity, the temperature and length of the arc, the type of electrode to be used and its flux coating, the metal to be welded and the type of the joint. Welding equipment is also of great importance. 30. Какой из заголовков вы выберете для текста А, прочитав текст ещё раз: 1. history of arc welding. 2. generators and transformers. 3. welding materials. 4. the arc and its characteristics features. 5. welding shop and its operation. 31. В тексте А – 5 абзацев. Какие из них приведенных заголовков соответствуют каждому из абзацев: a. факторы, влияющие на качество дуги. b. способы образования дуги. d. характеристика дуги. c. свойства дуги. e. дуга – источник энергии. 32. Прочтите ещё раз текст А и расскажите по-русски о свойствах дуги (2 и 3). 33. Найдите информацию о том, какие операции выполняет дуга. 34. Скажите, от каких факторов зависит качество дуги. 35. Найдите в тексте А и переведите предложения со словами: “by means of”, “a number of”. 36. Найдите и переведите предложения с герундием-определением. 37. Найдите и переведите предложения с инфинитивом - определением. 38. Найдите и переведите предложения с глаголом “can” и его эквивалентом. 39. Найдите и переведите предложения с Participle 2 – определением. 40. Прочтите отрывок и определите, является ли его содержание продолжением темы текста А. Meta-arc welding requires a steady supply of electric power to develop the concentration heat at the arc. What is the arc? The electric arc represents the highest concentration of electric energy. Arc voltage varies in operation from 15 about 45 volts. Welding current may vary from 25 amperes when welding thin material to a maximum of about 1500 amperes and over. Amperage is often referred to as “heat” in arc welding, but without voltage an arc cannot be made. Voltage is the force that delivers the current or heat to the electrode and across the gap (distance between the electrode and the work) to the surface of the work to be welded when the arc is struck. The arc consists of a series of metallic participles and ionized gases crossing the gap from the electrode to the base metal. The arc has a very high temperature (up to 10.0000F) and is able to melt refractory metals and alloys used in construction of space rockets and sputniks. Where the arc strikes the base metal, metal is melted and there is formed a pool of molten metal, or a crater. 41. Прочтите отрывок кадра 40 ещё раз и найдите предложения, отвечающие на данные вопросы. Прочтите выбранные предложения. 1. what is the electric arc? 2. what is amperage? 3. what is voltage? 4. what is the temperature of the arc? 5. in what large does the current vary? 6. what components does the arc consist of? 7. what metals and alloys is the arc able to melt? 42. Прочтите текст. Скажите, продолжает ли он тему текста А. как вы озаглавите текст, 1. if arc welding is performed by means of proper procedures it may be very efficient. Efficient arc welding can be defined as the joining of metals by fusion to give required strength and good weld appearance. Practically, this means that there must be accurate control of several variables. There are: a. procedures or operations; b. mechanical; c. metallurgical. 2. under procedures are electrode size and type, current, position of electrode relative to the work, and, at last, arc speed and length. When the arc is moved slowly, there is wide pool of molten metal under the arc and force of the is expended in the molten pool instead of penetrating into (base) metal. It is clear that to get greater penetration, the arc should be moved more rapidly rather than slowly. 3. the proper arc length is very important. If the arc length is too short this results in porosity, slag inclusions and lack of fusion. On the other hand, when the arc length is too long, heat is lost (dissipated) in the air, much molten metal is lost in the form of spatter and the arc force is lost resulting in a winder pool and poor penetration. 4. as for the mechanical factors they are; edge preparation, gap or fit-up and position of joint, surface condition of metal and contour (geometry) of weld surface. Metallurgical variables are depth of penetration, analysis of base or parent metal. 43. Посмотрите текст кадра 42 ещё раз и укажите абзацы, где говориться об электрической дуге. 44. Прочтите выбранные вами абзацы и ответьте на вопрос, как влияет длина дуги и скорость сварки на качество шва. 45. просмотрите текст кадра 42 и перечислите все переменные, от которых зависит эффективная сварка. 46. Найдите в тексте кадра 42 и переведите устно предложения со словами: mean, result in, rather than, by means of. 47. Прочтите слова к тексту В и запомните их значения: Frequency – частота Determine – определять Consume – тратить, расходовать Consumable – плавящийся The electrode is melted in the arc and is thus consumed. Metal electrode is consumable since it is consumed during welding. Tungsten and carbon electrodes are non-consumable. Metal-arc welding is welding with a consumable electrode. Tungsten electrode conducts the current but is not consumed. 48. Прочтите текст В и скажите, какие из данных заголовков соответствуют содержанию текста: 1. the arc and its features. 2. electrodes and their application. 3. welding machines. 4. penetration and weld appearance. 5. weld and its elements. 6. current and polarity. Text B. 1. there are two kinds of current used for producing the electric arc. If the current flows in one direction, along the circuit, it is direct current (DC). If the current reverses (changes) its direction with regular frequency, it is alternating current (AC). Direct current may be used under two conditions of polarity: reverse polarity (RP) and straight polarity (SP). It means that the current may flow from the work to the electrode or from the electrode to the work. The polarity of direct current is important in determining the depth of fusion or penetration into two base metal and the rate (speed) at which the electrode is consumed. 2. the current for the welding arc is usually produced in special welding machines. There are several different types of welding machines used for producing welding current. Generally, direct current is produced in generators. Alternating current is produced by transformers type welding machines, i.e. transformers which take high-voltage low-amperage current and transform it into low-voltage welding current. This means that the current coming to the transformer, the voltage is reduced to 17-45 volts and the amperage increases to 150-1500 amperes and over. 49. Просмотрите текст В и скажите, каким абзацам соответствуют выбранные вами заголовки. 50. Прочтите первую часть текста и расскажите по-русски о различии между постоянным и переменным током. 51. Исходя из содержания текста В, скажите в чём заключается особенность постоянного тока и от чего зависит провар и скорость сварки. 52. Прочтите первую часть текста В, найдите и прочтите предложения, отвечающие на данные вопросы: 1. where is the welding current produced? 2. what machines produce DC? 3. what is the difference between the current coming to the transformer and the welding current? 53. Найдите в тексте В предложения, где говориться о значении полярности и переведите его. 54. Переведите предложения рассказывающие о получении переменного тока. 55. Прочтите отрывок и ответьте по-русски, какой части текста В он соответствует по содержанию: D.C. welding machines or generators produce direct current. The direct current is know to be used under two conditions of polarity. Polarity is a problem of great importance. There are two kinds of polarity: straight polarity (SP) and reverse polarity (RP). By straight polarity we mean that the electrode is connected to the negative terminal and the work is connected to the positive one. But if the current flows in the opposite direction, i.e. from the electrode to the work, we say that “reverse polarity” is used. By reverse polarity we mean that the work is negative and the electrode is positive. 56. Просмотрите отрывок кадра 55 ещё раз и скажите, какая новая информация о полярности содержится в отрывке. 57. Запишите в тетрадь и переведите письменно второе предложение отрывка кадра 55. 58. Переведите устно предложение со словом “one”. 59. Прочтите текст С, скажите по-русски о чём этот текст. Text C. Let us speak about the welding circuit and its components. The electrode used in metal-arc welding is held in a holder which is connected to one terminal (pole) of the welding machine. The base metal being welded is connected to the other. The electrical connection is provided by two copper or aluminium cables. One is applied for the ground and called an electrode cable. The other applied for the ground plate or the base metal is called a ground cable. The ground cable is attached (connected) to the work and, when the electrode is brought in contact with the work, a circuit is completed and the arc is crated between the electrode and the metal to be welded. 60. Какой из заголовков соответствует содержанию текста С? 1. types of electrodes. 2. elements of the weld. 3. circuit and its components. 4. materials and welding equipment. 61. Закончите предложения, используя лексику текста С. Прочтите и переведите полученные предложения. 1. the electric circuit consist of … 2. there are two cables: … 3. the electrode cable is applied for … 4. the circuit is completed when … 5. the ground cable connects … 6. the arc is created … 62. Прочтите слова к тексту Д, запомните их русские значения. Technique – техника, методика Bring (brought) – подводить, подносить Withdraw – отводить Depth (deep) – глубина Serve – служить From aside – со стороны Feed – подавать, подача Uniform – равномерный Advance – продвигаться Clean – чистый, очищать Groove – канавка, разделка Maintain – поддерживать 63. Простите и расскажите по-русски о технологи сварки. Text D. If you want to join two metals by arc welding you should know the welding technique, i.e. the technological process of welding. To begin welding it is necessary to strike an arc. The electrode held in a holder is brought in contact with the metal surface, withdrawn (separated) and held as so to create and maintain an arc. Since the space between the electrode and the base metal has highest resistance in the circuit, a tremendous amount of heat is developed by the electric arc at this point. Intense heating results in melting the workpiec metal and forming a small molten metal pool or crater. The depth of the crater indicates the amount of penetration or depth of fusion. Since the electrode is also melted by the heat of the electric arc, the electrode metal is deposited in a molten pool on the base metal. In this case the electrode metal served both electrical pole and the filler metal. As we see, the metal electrode supplies additional metal to the base metal, but in the case of carbon or tungsten arc, filler metal rod may be used, it being usually fed from aside. After an electric arc has struck, it is maintained by a uniform continuous movement of the electrode toward the work to compensate for that portion of the electrode which has been melted and deposited in the weld. At the same time, the arc should be advanced at a uniform speed along the line of welding, i.e. the weld groove. As for the metal in the crater, it is agitated and mixes the molten electrode metal with the base metal, forming a strong weld joint. After the weld is completed it is necessary to clean and inspect it. 64. Прочтите три отрывка. Скажите, какой отрывок не соответствует по содержанию тексту Д. A. Practice starting the arc and maintaining it, moving the electrode slowly over the work until you are able to start the arc once more. Move the electrode straight along the groove without zigzag motion of the electrode holder. After you are able to strike an arc, hold a short arc and long arc to get better penetration and weld appearance. Clean the welds, inspect them, criticize your work, ask criticism from others. Remember, because are melting a lot of metals, does not mean that you are welding. If you have mastered welding in horizontal position, learn to weld in vertical and overhead position. B. Here are some instructions given by the instructor to the welding student. Do not play with the arc. Make a definite plan and follow it in your practice. Learn the fundamental principles of welding and reduce your problems to these principles. Never look at the arc without using a shield to protect your eyes. Hold the electrode in a vertical position, bring it to the work where the weld is to be done and then hold it there without striking an arc. C. The automatic atomic-hydrogen arc welding head developed at the Institute is a quite different modification of the same basic equipment for regulating welding arc length. Here two tungsten electrodes positioned at an angle toward each other are driven up and down, in order to regulate the distance between their tips, thus regulating the length and heat output of the atomic-hydrogen arc which is created between the two tungsten electrodes. The important difference in this equipment is that it drives two tungsten electrodes instead of one and at very speed (except when striking the arc) to compensate the gradual of the tungsten electrodes. 65. Просмотрите выбранный вами отрывок, ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски. 1. what welding is described in the text? 2. what electrode do we use in the process? 3. how many electrodes are applied in this method? 4. when is the arc created? 5. is any gas used in this welding? 66. Прочтите слова к тексту Е и их русские значения. Insulate – изолировать Flexible – гибкий Wear resistant – износостойкий Consume – тратить, расходовать Consumable – плавящийся Composition – смесь, состав Impurity – примесь Float – плавить на поверхности Eliminate – устранять, предотвращать Handle – рукоятка Shield – щиток (сварочный) Helmet – шлем Coloured – цветной 67. Прочтите текст Е и подберите к каждому абзацу заголовок 1. electrode flux coating. 2. electrode and their types. 3. cables and their features. 4. other welding equipment. 5. protection of welder’s face and eyes. 6. electrode holders. Text E. This is a story about welding materials and equipment. 1. welding current is conducted from the source of power to the arc by an insulated copper or aluminum cable. A very flexible cable is used between the electrode holder and the welding machine. This cable is designed for welding service. For grounding the welding circuit, a less flexible, but equally wear resistant cable is used. The size of the cables used in welding depends upon the type of the material to be welded and the distance of the source of power. 2. the electrode is an important component of the electric circuit. We know electrodes to be divided into consumable and non-consumable electrodes. Tungsten and carbon electrodes are non-consumable. In the case of carbon and tungsten arc welding a filler metal may be fed from aside to supply an additional metal to the molten pool. As for the consumable electrodes, they are produced in the form of metal rod or wire, and for this reason provide a filler metal. 3. all the consumable electrodes are divided into bare and coated electrodes. An important advantage of arc welding is in the protection that a special mineral flux composition provides for the molten deposit. It is know that metal electrodes for the covered with flux coatings produce stronger welded joints as compared with those made with bare electrodes. 4. as it was mentioned, the electrodes are held in a special device-an electrode holder. The electrode holder is a clamping device for holding the electrode and is provided with an insulated handle for the operation’s hand. It should be mechanically strong, light in weight and hold the electrode firmly in position during welding. 5. we know that the arc is very hot and therefore it throws off both light and heat. To protect the operator’s face and eyes from the direct rays of the arc it is necessary to use a face shield or helmet. These shield or helmets are produced of pressed insulating material black in colour. The shield should be light in weight and comfortable to the welder. Shields are provided with special welding coloured lens absorbing the infrared rays, special goggles are used by welder’s assistants, foremen, inspectors and others working near the welder. 6. in addition to the equipment and materials described above, there should be available steel brushes for cleaning welds, tools for removing scale and slag from the surface of the weld and other shop equipment. Of course, in any welding shop you may find the equipment for welding inspection. 68. Прочтите текст Е ещё раз и ответьте на вопросы по-английски 1. what of electrodes are applied in welding? 2. how is a filler metal provided? 3. what is the difference between the two of cables? 4. what will you say about the electrode holder? 5. how are the welder’s face and eyes protected from welding rays? 6. say a few words about welding helmet. 69. Прочтите отрывок, скажите, какому абзацу текста Е он соответствует по содержанию There are some functions performed by coating. 1. the coating gives off a protective gas, when heated by the arc, which shields the arc and molten metal from the atmosphere. 2. it stabilizes the arc by providing certain chemicals in the welding zone. 3. since the electrode coating is consumed at a rate slower than that of the metal of an electrode, it helps to direct the arc and the molten metal being deposited in the pool. 4. it also concentrates the arc stream and increases the rate of metal deposition and amount of penetration. 5. coating provides a flux, which helps to remove oxides and other impurities from the molten weld metal. It also provides slag which floats on top of the molten metal, providing additional protection from the atmosphere. 6. since the coating is an insulator of electricity, it eliminates short circuiting. 7. the coating may contain metal additions and therefore introduce the alloying elements into the weld. 70. Переведите отрывок кадра 69 письменно, используя слова, данные ниже: Give off – выделять Certain – определенный Rate (speed) – скорость Direct – направлять, прямой, постоянный Stream – дополнительный Eliminate – устранять Short-circuiting – короткое замыкание, замкнутая цепь 71. Прочтите отрывок и скажите по-русски, продолжает ли он тему текста Е. В чём преимущества дуговой сварки металлическим электродом? In electric welding there are two kinds of electrodes used, the carbon and metallic. The first mentioned is only to supply heat to the work, i.e. it is used for conducting the current and creating the arc. In carbon-arc welding a filler rod may be added to the molten crater to provide the necessary metal. As the metallic electrode is more often and universally used, this text will be confined only to the metallic type. The metallic electrode has a number of certain advantages over the electrode: 1. the metallic electrode is not only a conductor of electric current but it supplies a filler metal into the pool. 2. in metal-arc welding the heat setting and manipulation of the arc controls the amount of metal deposited and provides its exact location in the groove. 3. the amount of filler metal can be regulated by the speed at which the operator moves the metallic electrode. 72. Прочтите отрывки и ответьте по-русски на вопросы, поставленные к каждому отрывку. А. Какие меры предосторожности необходимо предпринять, чтобы избежать ожога лица и глаз при работе с дугой? It is evident the arc is very hot. It is necessary that proper protection be used. For eye and face protection a special glass is used. It is very important that this glass be used at all times when looking at the arc. Never look at the arc without using a protective glass to shield eyes. Direct exposure of a “flash” will result in a very painful burning of the eyes. Aspirin will help you to relieve pain and headacke. Before to begin welding you must ask your assistant not to look at the arc without using a protective glass or goggles. B. 1. где следует выполнять сварочные работы? 2. как избежать вредного воздействия дыма и газов при сварке? 3. где особо необходима вентиляция? When working in the shop you must perform welding in separate rooms or cabins in order to eliminate the danger of burning eyes from reflected or direct rays of the arc to other workers. All gas and arc welding operations result in a smoke and atmospheric contamination. Under normal working conditions the smoke from most arc welding operations in large open shops is not dangerous. But artificial ventilation should be installed to carry off smoke into the open air and to provide good visibility and clean air when welding in small shops, rooms and cabins. Ventilation is especially necessary if such metals as copper, zink or lead are to be melted. 73. Переведите отрывки без словаря (письменно) А. Instead of – вместо Bellow – ниже Provided – при условии Match – совпадать Maximum practical arc speed for the definite welding conditions is the main factors since this is necessary to fully use the penetrating action of the arc force. Since increased arc speed results in increase of the metal deposited there is great economy in money, time, metal and current. When the arc is moved slowly there is a small pool of molten metal under the arc and the force of the arc is lost in the molten pool instead of penetrating into the parent metal in the groove of the joint. The molten metal does not fuse below the depth to which the arc penetrates. As we see, in slow arc speed there usually is a small Pool of molten metal under the arc not providing deep penetration. Of course, penetration not only depends upon the arc speed but also upon the current provided the arc speed matches the current increase. B. Lose – терять Spread – распространяться Spatter – брызги From these facts, it is evident that to get greater penetration the arc should be moved more rapidly rather slowly. An increase in current increases the arc force and provides deep penetration. The quality of the weld also depends upon the arc length and the position of the electrode. When the arc length is too long, heat is lost in the air, much molten metal is also lost in the form of spatter and the force is soread over a large area to give a winder molten pool. Too short arc, as you know, may result in poor penetration or even short-circuiting. In conclusion it has been show, that to obtain the highest welding speeds it is necessary to penetrate deeply into the base metal resulting in fusion of parent metal with the weld metal. The amount of penetration and the economy are proportional to the current used, combining with the effectiveness of the use of arc force. 74. Итак, мы закончили обсуждение темы «Metal-Arc Welding». В результате проделанной работы Вы познакомились с определённым количеством терминов по вашей будущей специальности (в предложениях, которые даны ниже, термины подчёркнуты). Кроме того, многие предложения включают грамматические конструкции, обсуждаемые в 2. Прочтите и переведите предложения: Предложения для контроля. 1. There are two methods of striking an arc. 2. Before to be welded the joint or groove should be cleaned and examined in order to provide deep penetration and sound weld deposit free from inclusions and impurities. 3. We know fusion-arc welding to be the process of heating, melting and fusing two or more metals together. 4. After creating an arc try to hold or maintain it. 5. Weld metal consists of the base metal and electrode metal, both these metal being fused in the molten pool on the surface of the metal to be welded. 6. The high current results in increasing depth of fusion and speeds welding rate. 7. Both the generator and transformer have two terminals for the electrode cable and ground cable. 8. The arc produces a great amount of heat and concentrates it in the joint rather than an the surface of all the work. 9. The electrode cable connects the source of source of power with the electrode holder. 10. As for grounding, it is provided with a ground cable. 11. As a rule, cables are made of copper and aluminum, are flexible and wearresistant, and have very high insulating properties. 12. Metal electrode provides a filler metal, this additional metal being deposited in the molten pool or crater. 13. Depth of fusion depends upon a number of factors. 14. Tungsten being a refractory metal, it is used for producing nonconsumble electrodes. 15. If used a filler rod may be fed from aside. 16. Vertical and overhead welding requires good knowledge of welding technique. 17. Too short arc resulted in shortcircuiting. 18. When the electrode is brought to the joint, the arc is established and the circuit is completed. 19. When striking an arc do not look at the without using a shield or helmet. 20. Current supply is provided by means of two cables. 21. The arc melts edges rather than all the surface of the work. -------------------- |
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Это методичка для спецалистов обучающихся по специальности обработка металлов
Lesson 1 Metals and man. 1. ознакомьтесь, что означают следующие слова и словосочетания. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык предложения с новыми словами. 1. century [ ] – век, столетие The 19-th century was the century of steam energy, the 20-th century is called the age of atomic energy. 2. metal – метал. Metallic – металлический. 3. to conquer [ ] – завоёвывать, покорять. 4. create – создавать, творить. 5. useful – полезный. 6. machine [ ] – машина, механизм, аппарат. 7. mechanism [ ] – механизм. Metals helped men to conquer nature, to create useful machines and mechanisms. 8. to find (found) – находить, обнаруживать. 9. wide – широкий 10. application (=use) – применение. 11. to possess [ ] (=to have) – владеть, обладать, иметь. 12. property – свойство. Metals find wide application because they possess very many useful properties. 13. to combine – сочетать. 14. strong – прочный (о металле) strength – прочность. 15. plastic - пластичный plasticity – пластичность. 16. brittle – хрупкий brittleness – хрупкость. 17. stone – камень 18. rubber – резина, каучук. Stone is strong but brittle. Rubber is plastic, but not strong. 19. iron [ ] – железо 20. cooper – медь 21. tin – олово. 22. lead [led] – свинец. 23. mercury [ ] – ртуть. 24. gold – золото. 25. silver – серебро. 26. antimony [ ] – ртуть. Ancient Romans knew only 8 metals: gold, silver, cooper, tin, lead, mercury, antimony, iron. 27. to exclude – исключать. 28. because – так как, потому что. Because of – из-за. 29. ductile [ ] – ковкий. Ductility (=forge ability) – ковкость. The great Russian scientist Lomonosov exclude antimony and mercury from the list of metals because of their bad ductility. 30. characteristic [ ] – характерная особенность. 31. definition – определение to define – давать определение. 32. significance (=importance) – значение, важность. 33. to comprise – охватывать, заключать в себе. 34. luster [ ] – блеск. The first scientific definition given by M.V.Lomonosov comprises the two main characteristics of a metal: plasticity and metals luster. 35. element – элемент (химический) 36. to discover – открывать 37. Mendeleyev Periodic Table – периодическая таблица Менделеева. Mendeleyev Periodic Table was discovered in 1869. 38. conductivity – проводимость Electrical c. – электрическая проводимость Heat c. – теплопроводность Metals also possess high electrical conductivity and heat conductivity. 39. to rise (=to increase) – увеличиваться, расти. 40. to decrease – уменьшаться. 41. engineering – техника. 42. substance – вещество. 43. compound – соединение, смесь. 44. pure metal – чистый металл. 45. alloy [ ] – сплав. 46. to consist of – состоять из. Pure metals are seldom used in engineering. Most often metals are used in the form of alloys. Alloy is a compound consisting of some elements. An alloy may consist of two or more metals. 2. Письменно в рабочих тетрадях подберите к данным слева английским словам и словосочетаниям помещенные справа их русские соответствия: А. существительные: 1. century 2. nature 3. machine 4. mechanism 5. metal 6. application 7. element 8. property 9. strength 10.plastisity 11.brittleness 12.ductility 13. rubber 14. characteristic 15. definition 16. substance 17. significance 18. heat 19. conductivity 20. engineering 21. compound 22. stone 23. alloy 24. luster А. хрупкость Б. камень В. Тепло Г. Пластичность Д. свойство Е. природа Ж. механизм З. элемент И. век, столетие К. применение Л. Металл М. машина Н. прочность О. резина, каучук П. характерная особенность Р. Определение С. Ковкость Т. Важность, значение У. блеск Ф. проводимость Х. техника Ц. вещество Ч. Соединение Щ. сплав Б. прилагательные: 1. useful 2. old (=ancient) 3. rich 4. interesting 5. wide 6. high 7. plastic 8. strong 9. brittle 10 great 11. bad 12. main 13. scientific 14. metallic (=metal) 15. pure А. хрупкий Б. великий В. Плохой Г. Прочный Д. богатый Е. высокий Ж. главный З. старый, древний И. интересный К. широкий Л. Полезный М. пластичный Н. научный О. чистый П. металлический В. Глагольные словосочетания: 1. to serve man 2. to conquer nature 3. to create machines 4. to find wide application 5. to possess properties 6. to make metals so useful … 7. to combine strength and plasticity 8. to exclude antimony and mercury from the list of metals 9. to discover the Periodic System 10. to give a scientific definition 11. to lose scientific significance 12. to comprise two main characteristics of metals 13. to consist of many elements 14. to be called alloys А. исключить сурьму и ртуть из списка металлов Б. открывать периодическую систему В. Состоять из многих элементов Г. Называться сплавами Д. потерять (утратить) научное значение Е. служить человеку Ж. покорять природу З. делать металлы такими полезными И. обладать свойствами К. создавать машины Л. Находить широкое применение М. сочетать прочность с пластичностью Н. давать научное определение О. включать две основные характеристики металлов 3. Обратите внимание на то как читается в английских словах буквосочетание ch: А) в исконно английских словах это буквосочетание произносится как звук [ ], например chair [ ], chalk [ ]; Б) в словах, заимствованных из латинского и греческого языков, оно читается как звук [k], например mechanism [ ], chemistry; В) в словах, заимствованных из французского языка, как [ ] – machine [ ]. 4. Проверьте себя, запомнили ли вы английские названия следующих металлов: медь, сурьма, золото, серебро, олово, свинец, ртуть. Задания к тексту: 1. Прочтите текст А и найдите в нём ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. почему металлы нашли такое широкое применение в промышленности? 2. какие металлы были известны древним римлянам? 3. почему Ломоносов исключил сурьму и ртуть из списка металлов? 4. какие две основные характеристики металлов включает в себя научное определение металлов, данное Ломоносовым? 5. какое определение даётся металлам в области техники? 6. как влияет температура металла на его электро- и теплопроводность? 7. что такое сплав? (какое определение термину сплав даётся в тексте?) текст А Metals and man. For many centuries metals have served man helping him to conquer nature, to create useful machines and mechanisms. The world of metals is rich and interesting. Among metals are the old friends of a man: iron (Fe), cooper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), gold (Au), silver (Ag), tin (Sn). At present out of 104 elements of the Mendeleyev Periodic Table about 80 are metals. Metals have found wide application because they possess properties which made them so useful: for example, they combine high strength and plasticity. Some other materials, stone for example, possess strength, but are brittle. Rubber is highly plastic, but it is not strong. Ancient Romans knew only 8 metals: gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, mercury, antimony, iron. In 1763 the great scientist Lomonosov knew only 6 metals: gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, iron. He excluded antimony and mercury from the list of metals because of their bad so ductility (forgeability) as ductility to be the main characteristic of metals. In 1869 Mendeleyev discovered this Periodic System, 50 metals being know by that time. The first scientific definition of metal was given by M.V.Lomonosov in his book “The first foundation of metallurgy and mining” (Первые основания металлургии и рудных дел) in 1763. He wrote: “Metals are light colour bodies which can be forged” (Металлы – светлые тела которые ковать можно). This definition does not lose its scientific significance even now. It comprises the two main characteristics of metal: plasticity and metallic luster. Besides, metals possess high electrical conductivity and heat conductivity. In engineering metals are defined as substances possessing the following properties: metallic luster, plasticity (ductility), high electrictron conductivity which rises with the decrease temperature. Not only pure metals (elements) possess these properties, but also compounds consisting of many elements. Such substances are called alloys. 2. Найдите в тексте предложения, соответствующие данным: 1. В течение многих столетий металлы служили человеку, помогая ему покорять природу, создавать полезные машины и механизмы. 2. Металлы нашли широкое применение, потому что они обладают свойствами, которые сделала их такими полезными. 3. Он (Ломоносов) исключил сурьму и олово из-за их плохой ковкости, так как считалось, что ковкость является основной характерной особенностью металлов. 4. В 1868 году Менделеев открыл Периодическую систему (элементов), причем к тому времени было известно 50 металлов. 5. В технике металлы определяются как вещества, обладающими свойствами… 6. Не только чистые металлы (элементы) обладают этими свойствами, но так же и соединения, состоящие из многих элементов. 3. Постарайтесь ответить по-английски на вопросы, не заглядывая в текст. 1. Why have metals found such wide application? 2. What properties does stone possess? 3. What properties does rubber possess? 4. How many metals did ancient Romans know? 5. How many metals did Lomonosov know in 1763? 6. Why did Lomonosov exclude antimony and mercury from the list of metals? 7. When did Lomonosov discover his Periodic System? 8. What was the first scientific definition of metals given by Lomonosov? 9. What two main characteristics does the first scientific definition comprise? 10. How are metals defined in engineering. 11. What is an alloy? Самостоятельная работа студентов: 1. Перепишите в свои словари все новые слова и словосочетания по разделам: существительные, прилагательные, глаголы и глагольные словосочетания. Выучите эти слова и словосочетания к следующему занятию. 2. Отдельно запишите в свой словарь из урока 1 названия металлов. Запомните их. 3. Прочтите самостоятельно дополнительные тексты по металлам и передайте их содержание на русском языке: Текст А: Ancient Alchemy. All the metals seemed mysterious (таинственный) to the ancient. They were terribly afraid (бояться) of them, and especially of iron. And so on are in Greek and Roman times studied the metals. It seems that the alchemists (алхимики) were the first to study the metals. The alchemists were curious (любознательный) people. We know that during twelfth and thirteenth centuries many alchemists lived and worked in England, France and Germany. The alchemists surrounded themselves with all sorts of mysteries (тайн): They usually worked alone. And people said of them that they practiced magic and the black arts (черная магия). The alchemists themselves pretended (сами делали вид) to be in contact with the devil and other evil spirits. They made all kinds of queer (странный) experiments. They had two aims: they to tried to change base metal into gold, and to find an elixir of life, a drink that would keep people young. Текст В Modern Alchemy Ancient alchemists tried for hundred of years to turn mercury into gold by chemical means. Some men devoted all their lives to this impossible task. Today this classic reaction has been performed in reverse (наоборот), not by chemical means but through atomic radiation. Scientist have made mercury from gold with the help of atomic reactor … . Gold decays to mercury when it is bombarded with neutrons. The scientists took 600 grams of pure gold powder and placed it in an atomic reactor for 10 months. Than the gold was taken out and left in a special container for another 2 months, so that all the radioactive material could decay. Then the gold was removed from its container and distilled. Of the 600 grams of gold powder 1 gram of mercury – 198 was received. Its value is 3000 dollars (one gram of gold costs about 2 dollars). This method is not practical and will not be widely used, but the alchemists of old times can be a little happier in their graves knowing that their task has been accomplished even if in reverse. Lesson 2 Metals and non-metals. 1. Ознакомьтесь, что означают следующие слова и словосочетания. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык предложения с новыми словами. 1. to divide – делить 2. non-metal – неметалл, металлоид All the elements in the Mendeleyev Periodic System are divided into metals and non-metals. The elements are divided into metals and non-metals according to their physical and chemical properties. Chemical properties are much more important than physical properties for deciding whether (if) this or that element is a metal or a non-metal. 3. solid – твёрдый, твёрдое тело 4. liquid – жидкий, жидкость 5. gas – газ Metals and non-metals may be solid and liquid. All metals are solid except (за исключением) mercury which is liquid. 6. density – плотность, удельный вес. 7. potassium [ ] – калий 8. sodium [ ] – натрий Metals have a high density (except potassium and sodium), while non-metals usually have a low density. 9. malleable [ ] – ковкий (syn. ductile) Metals are malleable while solid non-metals are brittle. 10. temperature [ ] – температура 11. point – точка Melting point – точка плавления Boiling point – точка кипения Metals have high melting and boiling points while non-metals have low melting and boiling points. To melt – плавить melting – плавление boil – кипеть boiling – кипение 12. conductor – плавить (тепла и т.д.) poor c. – плохой проводник 13. to heat – нагревать heat – тепло, нагрев Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity while non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity (except graphite [ ] (графит) which is a good conductor of electricity). 14. to draw (drew, drawn) – тянуть, волочить to draw into wire – вытягивать в проволоку Metals are ductile, that is (то – есть) they can be drawn into wire while non-metals cannot be drawn into wire. 15. salt [ ] – соль We know that salts of non-metals do not exist = We know that there are no salts of non-metals. 16. oxide [ ] – окись basic o. – основной окисел Metallic o. – окисел металлов Acidic [ ] – кислотный окисел (окисел неметаллов) 17. acid – кислота 18. to react with – реагировать с 19. to form – формировать, образовывать form – форма To form salts – образовывать соли (оксиды и т.д.) Soluble [ ](растворимый) oxides may form either [ ] Anhydrite [ ](ангидрит) or acids: a) basic oxides reacting with water form anhydrites. Ca+H2O – Ca(OH)2 ![]() In the first case litmus [ ] (лакмус) will turn blue, in the second case it will turn red. 20. dilute [ ] – разведенный, разбавленный. Dilute acids reacting with metals form different salts. 21. ion [ ] – ион positive (negative) ion – положительно (отрицательно) заряженный ион. 22. to liberate – выделить(ся) (о веществах при химических реакциях). 23. anode [ ] – анод (со знаком +) 24. cathode [ ] - катод 25. electrolyses [ ] –электролиз 26. hydrogen [ ] – водород 27. to mould – формовать 28. to press – прессовать pressure – давление. 2. Письменно в рабочих тетрадях подберите к данным слева английским словам и словосочетаниям помещенные справа их русские соответствия: А) существительные 1. non-metal 2. solid 3. liquid 4. gas 5. density 6. temperature 7. boiling 8. melting 9. conductor 10. heat (heating) 11. electricity 12. salt 13. oxide 14. acid 15. ion 16. anode 17. cathode 18. electrolysis 19. hydrogen 20. form 21. anhydride 22. litmus 23. graphite 24. pressure А. лакмус Б. водород В. Электролиз Г. катод Д. ион Е. окись, окисел Ж. соль З. проводник И. плавление К. твердое тело Л. газ М. удельный вес (плотность) Н. температура О. кипение П. нагрев, тепло Р. кислота С. электричество Т. жидкость У. анод Ф. форма Х. ангидрит Ц. неметалл Ч. графит Я. Давление Б) прилагательные 1. solid 2. liquid 3. malleable (=ductile) 4. poor conductor 5. basic oxide 6. metallic oxide 7. acidic oxide 8. high 9. low 10.soluble 11. dilute 12. positive 13. negative А. высокий Б. низкий В. жидкий Г. твердый Д. разведённый Е. растворимый Ж. плохой проводник З. основной окисел И. окисел металлов К. кислотный окисел Л. ковкий М. положительный Н. отрицательный В) глаголы и глагольные сочетания 1. to divide into 2. to form salts 3. to react with 4. to draw into wire 5. to liberate 6. to melt 7. to heat 8. to press 9. to mould А. делить(ся) Б. прессовать В. Реагировать с Г. Выделять(ся) Д. вытягивать в проволоку Е. плавить Ж. нагревать З. формовать И. образовать соли 2. В английском языке, так же как и в русском, новые слова (термины) могут образовываться с помощью суффиксов. В первом и втором уроках Вам встретились следующие словообразовательные суффиксы: а) суффиксы имен существительных: -ness, -ance, -th, -ity. С их помощью от соответствующих имен прилагательных образуются существительные: Adj. + ness(ance, th, ity) – N Вспомните, как образуются имена существительных от следующих прилагательных, переведите их на русский язык: brittle, important, significant, strong, electric, plastic, ductile. б) имена существительные образуются от глаголов с помощью суффикса: -tion(ation, ition): V + tion(ation, ition) – N Образуйте имена существительные от глаголов to apply, to define. в) одним из самых распространенных суффиксов имен прилагательных является: -ic(-ical): N + ic(ical) – Adj. Образуйте иена прилагательные от следующих имен существительных, переведите их на русский язык: base, acid, metal, period, atom. 3. Кроме названий 8 металлов из урока 1, Вы познакомились с названием ещё двух металлов (калий и натрий), а также с названием водорода. Вспомните их английские названия. Задания к тексту: 1. Прочтите внимательно текст В и приготовьтесь отвечать на вопросы: Text B There are 105 elements in the Mendeleyev Periodic System. These elements are divided into two groups: the metals and the non-metals. Here is a table showing the difference (таблица, показывающая различия) between metals and non metals. Metals Non-metals Physical properties 1. Solid at room temperature (mercury is the only liquid metal). 2. Have a high density (except potassium and sodium). 3. Can be moulded by pressure, that is they are malleable. 4. Have high melting and boiling points. 5. Can be drawn into wire, i.e. (that is) they ductail. 1. Many are liquids and gases at room temperature. 2. Density is usually low. 3. Solid non-metals are brittle. 4. Have low melting and boiling points. 5. Cannot be drawn into wire. Chemical properties 6. Have basic oxides. 7. React with dilute acids forming salts. 8. Form positive ions. 9. Are liberated at the cathode during electrolysis [ ] 6. Have acidic oxides. 7. Salts of non-metals do not exist. 8. Form negative ions. 9. Are liberated at the anode during electrolysis. 2. Найдите в тексте ответ на следующие вопросы: 1. По каким основным совокупностям свойств делим мы химические элементы на металлы и неметаллы? 2. Каковы отличия металлов от неметаллов на основании физических свойств? 3. Каковы отличия металлов от неметаллов на основании химических свойств? 4. Какие свойства элементов имеют большее значение для отнесения того или иного элемента к металлам или неметаллам? Поясните Ваш ответ примерами из текста. 5. Сколько элементов таблицы Менделеева относятся к металлам? 3. Заполните пропуски следующими подходящими по смыслу словами: Good, poor, salts, cathode, anode, high, ductile, positive, negative, malleable, brittle, graphite, mercury. 1. All metal are solid at room temperature except … . 2. Metal high density except … . 3. Non-metals are poor conductor of electricity except … . 4. Solid non-metals are … while metals are … . 5. Metals always form … ions while non-metals form … ions. 6. When metals react with acid in result … are formed. 7. During electrolysis metals are liberated at the … while non-metals are liberated at the …. 8. Metals have … melting points. 9. Metals are … conductors of heat and electricity while non-metals are … conductors of heat and electricity. 10. Metals can be drawn into wire, that is they are … . 4. Прочтите предложения: укажите какие из данных утверждений верны или не верны (“That’s right”; “That’s wrong”). 1. All metals are solid at room temperature. 2. Non-metals usually have low density. 3. All non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity. 4. Non-metals react with dilute acids firming salts. 5. Metals form positive ions. 6. These positive ions are liberated at the anode during electrolysis. 7. Non-metals can be drawn into wire. 8. Not all metals have a high density. 9. Metals have high melting points. 10. Graphite is a metal. 11. Potassium and sodium have a high density. 12. Most metals are liquid at room temperature. 13. Solid non-metals are brittle. 14. Physical properties are much more important for deciding whether this or that element is a metal or a non-metal. 5. Прочтите еще раз внимательно текст “Metals and non-metals”. Постарайтесь ответить на вопросы по-английски, не заглядывая в текст: 1. How many elements are there in the Mendeleyev Periodic Table.? 2. What groups are these elements divided into? 3. What are the main differences between metals and non-metals? a) on the basis of their physical properties; ![]() 4. How many elements are considered to be metals? 5. What properties (physical or chemical) are much more important for deciding whether this or that element is a metal or non-metal. Самостоятельная работа студентов: 1. Перепишите в свои словари все слова и словосочетания по разделам: существительные, прилагательные, глаголы и глагольные словосочетания. Выучите эти слова и словосочетания к следующему занятию. 2. Выпишите отдельно в свой словарь из урока 2 названия химических элементов (металлов). Запомните их. 3. Выпишите из текстов 1-го и 2-го уроков: а) все существительные с суффиксами –ness, -ance(ence), -th, -ity, -tion(ation, -ition); б) все прилагательные с суффиксом –ic, -ical. 4. Прочтите самостоятельно тексты по металлам и передайте их содержание на русском языке: Gold It is supposed (полагают) that gold was the first of all metals used by man. Why did the ancient people want gold? They did not use it as money. Other things had served for money long before gold was used. Most likely, they wanted gold only for ornaments (украшения). Gold is a wonderful metal in many ways. As you know, gold is a yellow metal, bright and shining when posited – the colour of the sun. Perhaps, gold seemed to the ancient people to be a piece of the sun found on the earth and all ancient gold – seeking people (золотоискатели) were worshippers (поклонниками) of the sun. Copper Copper came after gold. Then came tin, lead, silver and iron. We know that copper and tin came into use some time before silver and lead and a long time before iron. Probably, it was in Egypt (Египет) that man first found copper. In ancient times copper was used in the form of alloys-bronze and brass. As we know, an alloy is a mixture of two or more metals. Bronze is a mixcture of cooper and tin. Brass is an alloy of cooper and zinc (цинк). Sometimes silver is added (добавляется) to bronze when bells are cast (отливать колокола). It is believed that silver gives a clear tone. Throughout (за всю) history of the world copper and bronze have always been used for making works of art (произведение искусства). Lesson 3 Classification of metals. 1. Ознакомьтесь, что означают следующие слова и словосочетания. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык предложения с новыми словами: 1. to classify classification There are many different classifications of metals. 2. to base on 3. composition There is a classification based on the composition of metals. Metals may be also classified according to their physical and chemical properties. 4. ferrous metal non-ferrous metal Iron is a ferrous metal. Copper and aluminum are non-ferrous metals. 5. alloy alloying element An alloy consist of two or more metals and other elements. 6. to combine An alloy combines some elements. An alloy combines simple metals with some other elements. 7. simple simple metal 8. pure pure metal purity impurity Simple metals are usually pure chemical elements. 9. to produce production In old time people did not know how to produce and how to use metals. Ferrous metals and alloys include a great number of commercially important products. 10. iron cast iron grey cast iron white cast iron malleable cast iron 11. steel carbon steel alloy steel stainless steel 12. light Light metals are: Aluminium Titanium Magnesium Beryllium 13. alkali alkali earth metals The alkali metals and the alkali earth metals are also light metals. The alkali metals include such metals as lithium. Lithium Sodium Potassium The alkali earth include such metals as calcium Calcium Strontium Radium 14. Heavy Heavy metals include such metals as lead, tin, silver, copper, nickel, zinc. The heaviest metal is osmium. 15. rare metals gallium bismuth germanium selenium tungsten tantalum uranium molybdenum cobalt thorium zirconium 16. precious (noble) metals platinum palladium indium 17. refractory refractory materials refractory metal refractory steel Some refractory metals are: tungsten, titanium, molybdenum, tantalum. 18. to exhibit 19. low melting point metals: cesium, rubidium. 20. to resist resistance resistant corrosion resistant wear wear resistant Some metals are corrosion and wear resistant. 21. to vary 22. hard hardness 23. soft softness Metals vary in hardness and softness. Tin and lead are soft metals. 24. group class industrial application Metals may (classed, classified) according to their industrial application. Metals are grouped into pure metals and alloys. Metals are often used in the form of alloys. 25. semi semimetal semiconductor arsenic antimony They are also called semiconductors. Классифицировать, делить на группы Классификация Основывать на Состав Чёрный метал Цветной метал Легировать, сплавлять, сплав Легирующий элемент Соединять, сочетать Простой Простой метал Чистый Чистый (без примесей) металл Чистота Примесь Производить, изготавливать Производство, изготовление Железо Чугун Серый чугун Белый чугун Ковкий чугун Сталь Углеродистая сталь Лигированная сталь Нержавеющая сталь Лёгкий Алюминий Титан Магний Бериллий Щелочные металлы Щелочноземельные металлы Литий Натрий Калий Кальций Стронций Радий Тяжелый Редкий металл Галлий Висмут Германий Селен Вольфрам Тантал Уран Молибден Кобальт Торий Цирконий Благородные металлы Платина Палладий Индий Огнеупорный, жаростойкий, тугоплавкий Жаростойкий материал Тугоплавкий металл Жаростойкая сталь Проявлять (свойства, качества) Цезий Рубидий Сопротивляться, противостоять Сопротивление, устойчивость Устойчивый, стойкий Коррозиестойкий Износ Износостойкий Варьировать, различаться Твёрдый Твёрдость Мягкий Мягкость Группировать Классифицировать Промышленное применение Полу Полуметалл Полупроводник Мышьяк Сурьма 2. Вспомните, с помощью каких суффиксов образуются имена существительные от следующих глаголов и имен прилагательных, переведите их на русский язык: to classify, to produce, hard, soft, to resist, pure. 3. Помните, что зная значение префикса почти всегда можно выявить значение производного слова, например: im-, non-, (не придаёт слову отрицательное или противоположное значение) semi- полу-. Вспомните, как переводятся слова: impurity, semimetal, non-metal, non-ferrous, non-soluble. 4. С термином “metal” употребляются в тексте следующие определения (прилагательные): soft, hard, ferrous, non-ferrous, light, heavy, rare, precious (noble), true (истинный). В данном случае словосочетания состоят из двух слов: определение + определяемое слово, например light metal. Данное словосочетание называется “определительной группой” (в данном случае двухкомпонентной определительной группой «ОГ») или “двухкомпонентным терминологическим сочетанием «ТС»”, т.е. состоит из “определения + термин (ядро)”. В качестве определения чаще всего встречаются имена прилагательные, которые переводятся на русский язык также прилагательными, например: heavy metal –тяжелый металл. Переведите все сочетания вышеуказанных прилагательных со словом “metal” на русский язык. 5. Определительные группы из 2-х слов (или 2-х компонентов ТС) могут также состоять из 2-х существительных, т.е. иметь структуру: N+N. При этом первое из имен существительных является определением ко второму и переводится на русский язык чаще всего прилагательным или существительным в родительном падеже, например: steam energy – паровая энергия, энергия пара; room temperature – комнатная температура. Переведите следующие определительные группы (ТС): alloy steel, carbon steel, alkali metals. 6. В текстах уроков также встречаются ТС следующие структуры: герундий + сущ., например, melting point (t0) – точка (t0) плавления, alloying element – лигирующий элемент. 7. В текстах уроков также встречаются определительные группы из 3-х слов (или 3-х компонентные ТС), типа: а) Adj. +Adj. + N high electrical conductivity – высокая электропроводимость; pure chemical element – чистый химический элемент. б) Adj.+N+N light colour bodies – светлой окраски тела, great corrosion resistance – высокая устойчивость к коррозии. в) числительное + прил. + сещ. – first scientific definition – первое научное исследование; two main characteristic – две основные характеристики. г) существительные в притяжательном падеже + прил. + сущ. – Mendeleyev Periodic Table – периодическая таблица Менделеева. д) прил. + герундий + сущ. – high melting point – высокая точка плавления. 8. Перед определительными группами (=ТС) могут стоять также определители имен существительных, а именно неопределённые и определённые артикли (a, an. the), а также указательные или притяжательные местоимения (this, that, these, those, my, his, its, their, etc). В этом случае эти артикли и местоимения относятся к последнему слову (сущ.) в определительной группе (или к “ядру” в ТС), например: a good conductor, a high density, the chemical properties, the Mendeleyev Periodic Table, the great scientist, their physical properties, its scientific significance, this chemical element, those precious metals. Задания к тексту: 1. Прочтите текст Classification of metals. Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы: 1. На какие группы делятся металлы в зависимости от их химической чистоты? 2. Как обычно делят металлы в современном промышленном производстве? 3. Что собой представляют черные металлы? 4. На какие подгруппы делятся черные металлы? 5. Какой из черных металлов является самым важным? 6. На какие 3 группы делятся чугуны? 7. Как делятся металлы в зависимости от их удельного веса? 8. О каких легких и тяжелых металлах вы узнали из текста? 9. На какие две подгруппы можно разделить цветные металлы? 10. Как делятся металлы в зависимости от их точки плавления? 11. Какие металлы относятся к тугоплавким? 12. О каких металлах с низкой температурой плавления Вы узнали из прочитанного текста? 13. Приведите пример твердого и мягкого металла? 14. Какие металлы относятся к полуметаллам? Text C Classification of metals. There are some classification of metals based on their chemical purity, physical and chemical properties and composition, their industrial application (use), etc. According to (= in respect to; depending on) the chemical purity we may divide all metals into 2 large groups: 1. Simple metals which are more or less pure chemical elements. 2. Alloys which are materials consisting of a simple metal combined with some other elements. In modern industry we usually divide metals into 2 main groups according to (= in respect to) their chemical composition: 1. Ferrous metals 2. Non-ferrous metals. Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous metals; all the other metals are called non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals and alloys include a great variety of (very many) commercially important products which can be grouped into: a) iron (cast iron); ![]() The most important ferrous metals is cast iron which is some form of alloy with carbon and other element. Cast iron finds greater use than any other metal. We may classify all cast iron into 3 groups: grey cast iron, white cast iron and malleable cast Ciron. In respect to (= according to) their density metals may be divided into light and heavy ones. Metals having a density less than 4 are heavy metals. All other having a density over 4 are know as heavy metals. Light metals are aluminum, magnesium, titanium. The alkali metals and the alkali earth metals also belong to light metals. The alkali metals include such metals as lithium, sodium, potassium; the alkali earth metals include such metals as calcium, strontium and radium. Heavy metals include such metals, for example, as lead, tin, silver, copper, nickel, zinc. The lightest metal is lithium (D – 0,534) and the heaviest is osmium (D – 22,48). Non-ferrous metals may in its turn be subdivided into two groups: a) the so-called group of rare metals (beryllium, gallium, bismuth, germanium, uranium, thorium, zirconium, etc. ); ![]() Metal may also be classified according to their melting point. Metals which exhibit (have) high melting point above 30000 (16500C) are often called refractory metals. Refractory metals include such non-ferrous metals as tungsten, titanium, molybdenum, tantalum, columbium, chromium. These metals also exhibit (have) great corrosion and wear resistance and rubidium, cesium which melt just above room temperature, and mercury which melts at – 38,80C. We may also classify hard and soft metals. For example, potassium is so soft that it can be molded like wax, and chromium is so hard that it can even cut glass. Many elements are classed as semimetals (arsenic, antimony and bismuth, for example) because they possess much poorer conductivity than true metals and may be classed with the semiconductors. 2. Прочтите еще раз внимательно текст “Classification of metals”. Постарайтесь ответить по-английски на вопросы, не заглядывая в текст. 1. Into what groups may we divide metals according to their chemical purity? 2. What is a simple metals? 3. What is an alloy? What does it consist of? 4. Into what groups do we usually divide metals in modern industry? 5. How will you call metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements? 6. What non-ferrous metals do you know? 7. Into what groups may we divide ferrous metals? 8. What is the most important ferrous metals? 9. How are cast irons classified? (into what groups). 10. What steels do you know? 11. How are metals divided according to their density? 12. What are the densities of light metals (of heavy metals)? 13. What light (heavy) metals are mentioned in the text? 14. What alkali and alkali earth metals do you know? 15. what is the lightest (heaviest) metal? 16. into what two may non-ferrous metals be subdivided? 17. what precious (noble) metals do you know? 18. can metals be classified according to their melting point? 19. what metals and alloys are called refractory? Are they easy to produce? 20. what refractory metals are mentioned in the text? 21. what are the low melting point metals? 22. what can you say about potassium and chromium? 23. what is a semimetal? Самостоятельная работа студентов: 1. Перепишите в свои словари все новые для вас слова и словосочетания из урока 3. выучите их к следующему занятию. 2. Выпишите отдельно в свой словарь из урока 3 названия всех металлов. Запомните их. 3. Переведите письменно следующие определительные группы из 2-х и 3-х (2-х и 3-х компонентные ТС): atomic energy, useful machines, the old friends, wide application, high strength, ancient Romans, the great scientist, bad ductility, the main characteristic, his Periodic table, the first scientific definition, its scientific significance, metallic lustre, high electron conductivity, pure metal, physical properties, a high density, low melting point, a poor conductor, this good conductor, a basic oxide, these metallic oxide, the chemical properties, a non-metal, acidic oxide, the soluble oxide, a dilute acid, simple metals, the pure metal, old time, ferrous metals, a positive ion, the negative ion, a solid metal, the liquid metal, carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, the alkali metals, the alkali earth metals, their industrial application, their chemical purity, modern industry, two main groups, their chemical composition, rare metals, precious metals, their melting point, a refractory metal, non-ferrous metals, poor corrosion resistance, hard metal, heavy metals, true metals, these light metals. 4. Обратите внимание, что ТС “cast iron” переводиться на русский язык термином чугун. Вспомните, о каких 3-х группах чугуна говориться в тексте. Запишите их английские названия. 5. Прочтите самостоятельно дополнительные тексты и передайте из содержание на русском языке: Silver Silver, like gold, as you know is one of the precious (драгоценный) metals. It was first used for ornament and later for coins (монеты). Silver is a white shining metal. It is harder than gold and will, in time, tarnish (тускнеть) and lose its luster. The use of silver for making mirrors (зеркала) is very interesting. The first metal mirrors were made of polished bronze. Later on, a mixture (смесь) of lead, silver and copper was used. There were no glass mirrors in Romans times, though the Romans knew to make glass (стекло), but they did not know how to apply silver or tin to glass. Polished metal mirrors of silver, bronze came into common use of lead was for roofs, pipes, paints. After the invention of gunpowder (порох) lead served for several centuries for the bullets (пуля). We also use lead nowadays. It is used in making glass and especially paints. Lesson 4 Production of Metals. 1. Ознакомьтесь, что означают следующие слова и словосочетания. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык предложения с новыми словами: 1. metallurgy – металлургия metallurgical – металлургический Metallurgy is an industry which produced metals. Metallurgy separates impurity from the metals. 2. ore – руда iron ore – железная руда cooper ore – медная руда Most metals are found in the form of metal ore. The ore is a mineral. 3. science – наука scientific – научный 4. to obtain – получать Metallurgy is the science which treats if the methods used to obtain the metals from ores. 5. to produce – производить, изготавливать, получать. Production – производство 6. to melt (melted) – плавить melting – плавление melting process – процесс плавления molten metal – расплавленный металл melted compounds – расплавленные соединения Metals are produced from their ores by melting process. 7. to separate – отделять 8. to remove – удалять, убирать slag – шлак In this process impurities are separated and removed as slag. 9. to reduce – раскислять (металл) 10. carbon – углерод Iron is obtained by reducing its ores with carbon. 11. to use – use(n) – использовать, применять, применение. Useful – полезный Different methods are used to produce pure metals from their ores. Metals have useful mechanical, physical and metallurgical properties. 12. furnace – плавильная печь blast furnace – доменная печь. Open-hearth furnace – мартеновская печь electric furnace – электропечь There are different types of furnaces at metallurgical plants. 13. cupola – вагранка Cast iron is also produced in special furnaces which are called cupolas. 14. Bessemer converter – Бессемеровский конвертер Steel are usually produced in Bessemer converters. 15. inventor – изобретатель 16. to discover – открывать Herry Bessemer, an English engineer, was the inventor who discovered a new process of making steel. 17. expensive – дорогой, дорогостоящий 18. cheap – дешевый Bessemer invented a cheap process of making steel. 19. chiefly – главным образом 20. high-grade tool steel – высококачественная инструментальная сталь Electrical furnace are only used in making high-grade tool steels. 21. compound – соединение 22. manganese – марганец 23. to conduct an eclectic current – проводить электрический ток Manganese is obtained from its ore by electrolysis. 24. to occur in nature – встречаться в природе Metals usually sccur in nature in the form of different ores. 2. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод “in order to ”(для того, чтобы). 1. In order to produce a metal from some metal ore, we must separate the impurities from the metal. 2. we must know the properties of a material in order to use it. 3. in order to form an alloy people combined some simple metal and other elements. 3. Обратите внимание на то, что после модальных глаголов инфинитив может быть не только в форме действительного залога, но и страдательного. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания модальных глаголов с инфинитивами: a) we may divide all metals, we may classify all cast irons, chromium can cut glass, we must separate; ![]() 4. Слова с ing- окончанием в английском языке могут быть: а) причастием настоящего времени, которое может переводиться на русский язык “настоящего времени”(читающий) или “деепричастием”(читая), например: Metals serve man helping (помогая) him to conquer nature. Metals possessing (обладающие) many useful properties. б) герундием, который чаще всего, как и имя существительное, отвечает на вопрос что? и обозначает какой-нибудь процесс или занятие, переводиться на русский язык именем существительным, например: mining (добыча руды), melting (плавление). Герундий может также употребляться в качестве определения перед существительным, например: melting point – точка плавления. Признаком герундия также является любой предлог, стоящий перед словом с инговым окончанием, например: by reducing – путем (посредством) восстановления, process of making – процесс изготовления, in making – при изготовлении. в) в некоторых случаях слова с инговым окончанием могут быть предлогами или союзами. Запомните, как переводиться на русский язык следующие предлоги: owing to – благодаря, during – в течении, во время. г) иногда слова с инговым окончанием являются прилагательными, например: interesting – интересный. 5. Проанализируйте, чем являются инговые окончания в следующих предложениях, переведите их: 1. Compounds consisting of many elements. 2. Here is a table showing the difference between metals and non-metals. 3. Material consisting of a simple metal and some other element. 4. Iron is obtained by reducing its ores with carbon. 5. According to their density metals are divided into light and heavy ones. 6. Metals having a density less than 4 are called light metals. 7. We divide metals into 2 groups according to their chemical composition. Задания к тексту: 1. Прочите текст “Production of metals”. Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы: 1. Прочтите текст. 1.Что представляет собой руда? 2. Как получают металлы? 3. Расскажите, что говорится в тексте о получении чугуна и стали? 4. Какую сталь получают в электропечах? 5. Какие металлы получают методом электролиза? 6. Какой процент от общего количества производимого металла составляют черные металлы? Text D Production of Metals Different metals are produced in different ways, but almost all the metals are found in the form of metal ores (iron ore, copper ore etc). The ore is a mineral consisting of a metal combined with some impurities. In order to produce a metal from some metal ore, we must separate these impurities from the metal. This is done by metallurgy – the science which trents of the methods used to obtain the metals in the tree condition from the compounds that occur in nature, i.e. (that is) from the ores. Most commercial metals are produced from their ores by melting process in which any impurities are separated and removed as slag. Iron is obtained by reducing its ores with carbon. Cast iron and steel are produced in different types of furnaces at metallurgical plants. Cast irons are usually produced in blast furnaces or cupolas. Steels are usually produced in Bessemer converters or open-hearth furnaces (мартеновских печах). Henry Bessemer, English inventor and engineer, was born at Charlton on January 19, 1813. He discovered the first process of making inexpensive (=cheap) and plentiful (в больших количествах) steel. The so-called Bessemer process of steelmaking was a great event in the world’s economic history. Previously (до этого, прежде) steel had been expensive (=dear), made chiefly be the crucible process (в тиглях). Steel and other metals may also be produced in electrical furnaces. Electrical furnaces are only used in making high-grade tool steel. The metals from lithium down to manganese are obtained by electrolysis of melted compounds that conduct an electric current. If we take all the metal produced by the world’s metallurgical industry during one year for 100 per cent, we shall see that the production of ferrous metals is about 94%, the production of cooper is about 2%, zinc about 1,52%, aluminium 0,6%, etc. (в английских и американских текстах печатаются: 1,52, which is read “one point five two”, 0,6 – is read “zero point six”). 2. Прочтите текст ещё раз; постарайтесь ответить на вопросы, не заглядывая в текст. 1. how are metals found in nature? 2. what is an ore? 3. how are metals produced from metal ores? 4. what science is metallurgy? 5. how is iron produced? 6. in what furnaces is cast iron produced? 7. in what furnaces is steel produced? 8. what can you say about the Bessemer process? 9. what kind of steel is produced in electrical furnaces? 10. what metals are produced by electrolysis? 11. tell some words about the world’s metallurgical industry? Самостоятельная работа студентов 1. Перепишите в свои словари все новые слова и словосочетания из урока 4. Выучите их к следующему занятию. 2. Найдите в тексте Д предложение с in order to, переведите его. 3. Выпишите из текста все предложения со словами с инговыми окончанием, проанализируйте и переведите их. 4. Выпишите из текста и переведите все “определительные группы из 2-х и 3-х слов”(2-х и 3-х – компонентные терминологические сочетания). 5. Прочтите самостоятельно дополнительные тексты по металлам и передайте их содержание на русском языке. Текст А Diodorus (Диодор) tells us of iron-making in Roman times. He says there was on a certain island (остров) an ore that contained iron. This ore was melted in batches (шахта) to make metal. The workers first cut up a great mass of the ore. Then they put it into the furnace. When the heat had melted it they blocks to the merchants (торговец) who traveled from village to village. And the merchants sold the ore again to blacksmiths (кузнец). The blacksmiths made it into all sorts of figures, birds, beast (зверь) and, also, into tools (инструмент). Текст В Tin is used to make an alloy called bronze. Bronze is an alloy of cooper and tin. The discovery (открытие) of bronze was a very important event in history and the whole period was called the Bronze Age. Copper and tin are soft metals, and so could not be widely used in pure state. But an alloy of copper and tin is a hard metal. Bronze replaced (заменять) copper s quickly, that we do not speak of a copper age at all, as we do of the ages of Stone, Bronze and Iron tools. Текст С Aristotle (Аристотель) called mercury “liquid silver”. Though (хотя) mercury had been known all through history, no one in fact knew what it really was until the days of alchemists of Middle Ages. It was one of these alchemists – Albert le Grand (french) – who discovered pure, free mercury. In the Middle Age people thought there was something magic about mercury, so they were a little afraid of it. It is not difficult to see why they were afraid of it Mercury is a curious (необычный) metal, almost like a thing alive. Its common name is quicksilver. We use mercury today in medicine, mirrors, colours, thermometers. Lesson 5 Metals as engineering materials 1. Ознакомьтесь, что означают следующие слова и словосочетания: 1. engineering – техника, технический, конструкционный engineering metal – конструкционный металл. Engineering construction – техническая конструкция (сооружение) engineering material – конструкционный материал 2. construction – конструкция, сооружение, строительство 3. wood – дерево wooden – деревянный 4. that is way – вот почему 5. at all – совсем, полностью 6. part – часть, деталь, изделие 7. to desire – желать desirable – желательный 8. to work –обрабатывать working – обработка 9. to shape – придавать форму, обрабатывать shape – форма, конфигурация. 2. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с новыми словами: 1. We use engineering is industry. 2. iron is a very important engineering metal. 3. all machines consist of metal parts. 4. a machine is an engineering constructions. 5. all machines and engineering constructions consist of metal parts. 6. stone is hard and strong. Its hardness is great, but stone is brittle, not plastic. 7. stone was the first engineering material. 8. people began to use metals after stone and wood. 9. metals are much stronger and harder then wood. 10. it was difficult to find metal in the earth and produce an engineering material. 11. only metals have a combination of useful engineering properties: hardness, strength and plasticity. 12. some metals are strong and hard. Other metals are soft and plastic. 13. plasticity of metals is very important. 14. engineering metals are used in the form of alloys. 15. the properties of alloys are better then properties of pure metals. 16. strength, hardness, plasticity are the properties of metals. 17. metal form the most important and largest group of engineering materials. 3. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на различие в переводе слов “because” (так, как, потому что) и “because of ” (из-за). 1. ferrous metals are widely used because they are cheap. 2. pure aluminium is seldom used because of its low hardness. 3. for a long time people used stone as a constructional material because they did not know to produce and how to use metals. 4. metals have great importance because of their useful properties. Задания к тексту 1. Прочтите текст, чтобы ознакомиться с его общим содержанием. Текст Е Metals as engineering materials. People began to use metals after wood and stone, but now metals are more important for our industry than these two old materials. Metals have such great importance because of their useful properties. Metals are much stronger and harder and that is why some engineering constructions and machines were impossible when people did not know how to produce and how use metals. Metals is not so brittle as stone which was the first engineering material for people. Strength, harness and plasticity of metals are the properties which made metals so useful for industry. It is possible to find some very plastic wood, but it will be much softer than any metal; stone may be very hard, but it is not plastic at all. Only metals have a combinat on of these three most useful engineering properties. But it is much more difficult to get the metals from the earth in which they are found than to find some stone or wood. That is why people began to use metals as engineering materials after stone and wood. The first metal which was produced by people was cooper; iron was produced much later. It is know that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering constructions have metal parts. Some of them consist only metal parts. About two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metals, but not all metals may be used in industry. Those metals which are used in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metal is iron (Fe) which, in the forms of alloys with carbon and other elements, finds greater use than any other metal. It should be noted that engineering metals are usually used in modern industry in the form of alloys because the properties of alloys are much better then the properties of pure metals. Only aluminium may be largely used in the form of a simple metal. So we see that metals form the most important and largest group of engineering materials because they have desirable mechanical and physical properties, can be easily worked into various shapes. 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по-русски: 1. что являлось первым строительным материалом человека? 2. какими свойствами обладают камень и дерево? 3. почему металл стал использоваться человеком гораздо позже (чем камень и дерево)? 4. какую часть всех элементов, найденных в земле, составляют металлы? 5. в каком состоянии железо находит наибольшее промышленное применение? 6. в каком виде металлы используются чаще? 7. почему металлы используют чаще всего в виде сплавов, а не в чистом виде? 8. какой металл широко применяется в форме простого металла? 3. Назовите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое в Passive Voice.сравните их перевод с остальными. 1. metals are very important in our life. 2. about two thirds of elements found in the earth are metals. 3. most elements are found in the earth. 4. metals consisting of iron and some other elements are called ferrous metals. 5. the most important non-ferrous metals are copper, aluminium, lead and others. 6. they are used much less than ferrous metals. 7. ferrous metals are much cheaper than non-ferrous metals. 8. different metals are produced in different ways. 4. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть Participle в качестве определения. Переведите. 1. alloys consist of a simple metal combined with some other elements. 2. people combined a simple metal with some other elements to get a alloy. 3. only aluminium may be used in the form of a simple metal. 4. of all 100% metals produced by the world’s metallurgical industry during one year the production of ferrous metals is about 94% (per cent). 5. metals called ferrous contain iron. 6. people used metals after wood and stone. 7. the plant produced engineering metals for industry. 5. Прочтите текст Е ещё раз, постарайтесь ответить на вопросы, не заглядывая в текст. 1. when did people begin to use metals? 2. why are metals the most important engineering materials? 3. what three most useful engineering properties do metals combine? 4. what was the first metal produced by people? 5. how will you call metals which are used in industry? 6. what is the most important engineering metal? 7. in what form are engineering metals most often used in industry? 8. what metal is largely used in the form of a simple metal? Самостоятельная работа студентов. 1. Перепишите в свой словарь новые слова и словосочетания. 2. Проанализируйте следующие предложения с Participle 2 и переведите их на русский язык. 1. metals have served man to create new machines. 2. the first definition of metals was given by M.V.Lomonosov. 3. metals have found wide application because of their properties. 4. there are some classifications of metals based on their properties and composition. 5. an alloy is a simple metal combined with some other elements. 6. some metals are called refractory metals. 7. metals are found in the form of ores. 8. there are many methods used to separate metals from ore. 9. impurities are separated and removed as slag. 10. about two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metals. 11. cast iron is produced in cupolas. 12. ore is a metal combined with some impurities. 13. metals used in industry are called engineering metals. 3. Прочтите самостоятельно дополнительный текст по металлам и передайте его содержание на русском языке. Текст А There are many superstitions (суеверий) about iron. The Romans (римляне) believed, if you drew (рисовать, проводить) three circles in the air around anyone and three on the ground with a bit (кусочек) of iron, that person would be bewitched (заколдован). It is interesting to note that wedding rings (обручальные кольца) in Ancient Rome were made of iron. We find a lot of superstitions among the Greeks and the Egyptians But we do not have to go back to Roman days for curious superstitions and belies (поверий). We can find them nowadays (today). There is still a superstition among some people to-day about horseshoes (подковы). They believe that horseshoes bring good luck or bad luck. Though people were superstitions about iron it turned out (оказалось) to be a much better metal for making tools than bronze. And so the Bronze Age gave ways to the Age Of iron. -------------------- |
AstAn |
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Ух, блин! Что-то совсем жестко, читать не смог. Просто я уже закончил универ, причем экономический, так что прошу прощения
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Злобный пряник |
![]() Профи ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 1 732 Регистрация: 8.2.2006 Из: Россия, Омск Пользователь №: 14 На форуме: 1d 15h 5m 41s Заработано:4.90565$ Выплачено:3.5855$ Штрафы:0.14$ К выплате:1.18015$ Пол: мужской Репутация: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Эти методички и ещё две я изучал в течении двух лет. А потом ещё сдавал экзамен по ин.язу.
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Starsejver |
Подрабатывающий ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Пользователи Сообщений: 195 Регистрация: 3.7.2007 Пользователь №: 2 395 Заработано:1.019$ Выплачено:1.011$ Штрафы:0.03$ К выплате:-0.022$ Пол: мужской Репутация: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ух ты ! ты где столько материала достал?.
nikola172 |
Знающий ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Группа: Заблокированные Сообщений: 337 Регистрация: 21.3.2008 Пользователь №: 4 204 Заработано:2.066$ Выплачено:0$ Штрафы:0.19$ К выплате:1.876$ Пол: мужской Репутация: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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блин так много!!!прочитал один пост, устал))) но прикольно!
zigzug |
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К этой методичке не помешала бы пачка сайтов по заработку на переводах
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