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Представляю Вам hyip:
antonforex - antonforex.com; Старт[23/03] lr pm

2.5-4.5% ежедневно за 45 дней или 107-115% после 3 дней или 115-140% после 7 дней или 135-200% после 15 дней или 180-325% после 30 дней

Принимаемые валюты:
Liberty Reserve Perfect Money

Мой вклад
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 3/24/2012 6:56 AM
Batch: 89297981
Sent To: U2978768 (Antonforex)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: N/A

Referral comission: 5%

Регистрируйся и получай профит!!
03/26/2012 06:40 89448629 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $0.75
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from antonforex.com
03/27/2012 07:41 89574430 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $1.50
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from antonforex.com
03/29/2012 08:48 89814164 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $0.75
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from Antonforex
03/30/2012 11:44 89944885 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $1.50
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from Antonforex
04/05/2012 07:52 90546064 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $0.75
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from Antonforex
04/06/2012 07:50 90661367 U2978768 (Antonforex) + $0.75
Memo: Withdraw to Yury from Antonforex
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