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Золотой Король _ HYIP и инвестиционный серфинг _ Pro Traders - pro-traders.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 22.3.2013, 19:13

Предлагаю вашему вниманию hyip проект; стартовал [10/03] принимает к инвестированию lr pm ego stp

инвест. планы:


Select a plan: 1000% after 50 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $100 - $10,000    1000.00

110% after 1 day
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    104.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    105.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    107.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    110.00

160% after 5 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    122.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    128.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    140.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    160.00

180% after 7 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    131.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    139.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    155.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    180.00

220% after 10 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    145.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    155.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    175.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    220.00

280% after 14 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    166.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    180.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    220.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    280.00

340% after 20 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    196.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    217.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    260.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    340.00

410% after 25 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    222.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    250.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    303.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    410.00

500% after 30 days
Plan    Spent Amount ($)     Profit (%)
Plan 1    $10 - $200    250.00
Plan 2    $201 - $2,000    290.00
Plan 3    $2,001 - $20,000    380.00
Plan 4    $20,001 - $200,000    500.00

наш вклад:

22.03.13 17:05 Transfer Sent Payment: 100.00 USD to account U1396116 from U1294989. Batch: 19455339. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to pro-traders.biz User all-hyips.info.


Минимальный вклад: 10$
Максимальный вклад: 200000$
Реферальские: 3%
Выплаты: вручную
Скрипт: GoldCoders
Особенности: SSL, DDosProtection

Описание проекта(google перевод):

Pro-трейдеров является официально зарегистрированной частной инвестиционной компании. Мы предоставляем инвесторам и трейдерам без риска окружающей среды для инвестиций и пожинает огромные выгоды. У нас есть очень преданные и эксперт торговой командой на борту. Они здесь, чтобы помочь вам с их полезные и ценные советы, как и когда вам требуется. Если вы новичок в мире онлайн инвестирования можно узнать так много, подписывая с нами!


Автор: AllHYIPs 24.3.2013, 7:01

2013-03-23 16:34:15;U2252816 (ProTraders);4.65;usd;137005609;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz
2013-03-23 10:55:09;U2252816 (ProTraders);1.53;usd;136965254;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

17:50 23.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 7.5 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19509802. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 24.3.2013, 22:29

2013-03-24 11:33:02;U2252816 (ProTraders);6.00;usd;137082709;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

18:19 24.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 8.02 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19558480. Memo:

API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.
12:45 24.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.86 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19542806. Memo:

API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 25.3.2013, 22:59

2013-03-24 23:11:33;U2252816 (ProTraders);2.41;usd;137135439;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 25.3.2013, 23:18

2013-03-24 23:11:33;U2252816 (ProTraders);2.41;usd;137135439;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.3.2013, 0:47

19:36 25.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 6.58 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19621131. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.3.2013, 21:21

2013-03-26 13:44:52;U2252816 (ProTraders);45.77;usd;137391577;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

15:01 26.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 8.28 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19671481. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 27.3.2013, 19:37

2013-03-27 09:06:23;U2252816 (ProTraders);2.40;usd;137510966;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

10:23 27.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.85 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19720316. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

00:25 27.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 8.41 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19700861. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 27.3.2013, 23:32

19:24 27.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 8.78 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19752737. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 28.3.2013, 19:03

2013-03-28 09:00:11;U2252816 (ProTraders);3.15;usd;137670259;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

2013-03-28 00:00:58;U2252816 (ProTraders);1.50;usd;137622680;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

09:19 28.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 3.22 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19778945. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

01:17 28.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 5.5 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19765566. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 28.3.2013, 23:10

16:24 28.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.83 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19802498. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 29.3.2013, 21:43

09:31 29.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 18.5 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19841592. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 30.3.2013, 21:06

2013-03-30 08:17:16;U2252816 (ProTraders);1.20;usd;137959351;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz

16:59 30.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 7.64 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19918041. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.
09:34 30.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 10.11 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19897118. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.
00:20 30.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 3.6 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19885671. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 31.3.2013, 23:28

16:51 31.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 7.78 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19964622. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.
09:52 31.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 9.06 USD from account U1396116 to account U1294989. Batch: 19946040. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from pro-traders.biz.

Автор: AllHYIPs 2.4.2013, 18:47

pro-traders.biz не платит!!! sad.gif((

pro-traders.biz SCAM!!! sad.gif((


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