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Золотой Король _ HYIP и инвестиционный серфинг _ fund-money - fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 2.5.2012, 16:14

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Мой вклад
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 4/27/2012 8:01 PM
Batch: 93050702
Sent To: U7087469 (FundMoney)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: Deposit to fund-money.com User all-hyips.info

Referral comission: 4.7%


Вы уверены, что вы делаете все возможное для достижения вашей финансовой свободы, чтобы воплотить Ваши мечты и цели? Если Вам нужен совет с чего начать и как получить импульс, вы не одиноки. Не у всех есть детальное знание финансовых рынков и для многих людей лучшим выбором является сотрудничество с поставщиком финансовых услуг, таким как Fund-Money, которые получили необходимые знания и, следовательно, может предоставить финансовые продукты в виде фиксированного дохода управляемых счетов.

Автор: AllHYIPs 3.5.2012, 20:57

04/29/2012 18:54 93222569 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
04/30/2012 09:14 93272751 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/01/2012 06:50 93384797 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/02/2012 07:29 93516215 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 7.5.2012, 10:55

05/03/2012 12:24 93687775 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/05/2012 08:33 93923834 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.27
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/06/2012 08:19 94010832 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 10.5.2012, 13:03

05/07/2012 08:05 94107056 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/08/2012 09:38 94261159 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/09/2012 07:12 94386815 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 14.5.2012, 20:01

05/10/2012 08:14 94531032 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/11/2012 08:19 94663919 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/12/2012 07:31 94789440 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/13/2012 07:49 94883437 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 18.5.2012, 8:42

05/14/2012 09:01 94986439 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/16/2012 08:33 95290917 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/17/2012 06:59 95426745 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 21.5.2012, 20:57

05/18/2012 07:38 95568551 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/19/2012 07:35 95689699 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/20/2012 07:28 95780478 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 24.5.2012, 9:32

05/21/2012 08:25 95883570 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/23/2012 09:56 96190906 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 28.5.2012, 8:31

05/25/2012 08:19 96508995 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
5/27/2012 10:39 96774686 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 31.5.2012, 20:48

05/28/2012 08:52 96878559 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
05/30/2012 16:00 97250503 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 4.6.2012, 16:20

05/31/2012 12:35 97382126 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/02/2012 07:27 97659510 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/03/2012 09:58 97776742 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 7.6.2012, 17:40

06/04/2012 06:04 97858392 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/05/2012 07:54 98026488 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/06/2012 08:38 98197069 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 11.6.2012, 15:32

06/08/2012 07:59 98516215 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/09/2012 06:20 98651956 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/10/2012 08:34 98766894 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 14.6.2012, 10:37

06/11/2012 07:38 98867789 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/12/2012 06:17 99027676 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/13/2012 09:23 99204358 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 17.6.2012, 13:53

06/14/2012 07:37 99346755 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/15/2012 07:29 99506319 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 21.6.2012, 10:53

06/17/2012 07:34 99752228 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/20/2012 07:07 100187732 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/19/2012 07:06 100031271 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 25.6.2012, 15:53

06/21/2012 05:47 100336999 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/22/2012 08:20 100510975 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/23/2012 08:48 100649116 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.28
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
06/24/2012 09:42 100741244 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 4.7.2012, 8:48

платит? да! )
07/01/2012 08:51 101583270 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

07/03/2012 18:42 101887605 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.48
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.7.2012, 9:23

07/05/2012 07:23 102071700 U7087469 (FundMoney) + $0.24
Memo: Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.7.2012, 22:36

102274469 07.06.2012 17:28 LRUSD FundMoney U7087469 All-HYIPs.info U4842300 0,24 Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 8.7.2012, 22:57

102427743;07.08.2012 8:11;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
102363347;07.07.2012 13:56;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 9.7.2012, 12:00

102524520;07.09.2012 7:26;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 10.7.2012, 22:56

102669425;07.10.2012 8:42;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 13.7.2012, 12:10

103082573;2012-13-07 07:46:58;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;0.0100;4149.0300;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
102949398;07.12.2012 9:09;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,48;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 16.7.2012, 21:35

103315231;2012-15-07 10:54:20;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 18.7.2012, 9:13

103545143;2012-17-07 07:22:21;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 19.7.2012, 22:01

103841674;2012-19-07 08:04:21;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
103701180;2012-18-07 08:53:15;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 21.7.2012, 9:47

103974652;2012-20-07 07:05:21;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 23.7.2012, 20:50

104316887;2012-23-07 10:05:32;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.7.2012, 12:37

104577432;2012-25-07 07:43:17;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.7.2012, 14:57

104719045;2012-26-07 08:24:32;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 30.7.2012, 11:31

104985141;2012-28-07 08:36:15;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,48;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 2.8.2012, 12:57

105179719;2012-30-07 10:56:31;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
105176045;2012-30-07 10:09:26;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
105166430;2012-30-07 08:05:31;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
105300056;2012-31-07 09:27:05;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,48;0.0100;1875.5100;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
105459889;08.01.2012 10:07;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.8.2012, 11:16

105730952;08.03.2012 6:49;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
105879571;08.04.2012 10:36;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,48;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 9.8.2012, 9:57

106108239;08.06.2012 11:03;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,27;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
106402600;08.08.2012 7:24;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 13.8.2012, 8:49

106569209;08.09.2012 7:57;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
106732466;08.10.2012 8:57;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
106862662;08.11.2012 8:07;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
106984655;08.12.2012 9:36;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,36;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 16.8.2012, 13:50

107251565;2012-14-08 08:08:20;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
107395673;2012-15-08 06:37:09;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 19.8.2012, 18:38

107563941;2012-16-08 08:36:48;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
107700307;2012-17-08 08:06:20;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com
107829415;2012-18-08 07:06:51;LRUSD;FundMoney;U7087469;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;0,24;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com

Автор: AllHYIPs 27.8.2012, 18:27

09:27 23.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11027110. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
09:52 24.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11048339. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:04 25.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11072990. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:49 26.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11086378. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 30.8.2012, 18:09

12:25 28.08.12 Account Receive +0.38 Received Payment 0.38 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11123391. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:00 29.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11141942. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 3.9.2012, 8:22

12:09 30.08.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11163628. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
11:44 01.09.12 Account Receive +0.48 Received Payment 0.48 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11196190. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
13:07 02.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11240456. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.9.2012, 11:29

11:42 03.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11263436. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:43 04.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11289760. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:22 05.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11313842. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 9.9.2012, 17:36

12:29 06.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11337458. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
12:36 07.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11361969. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 13.9.2012, 10:30

19:58 09.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11428728. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.
13:45 10.09.12 Account Receive +0.24 Received Payment 0.24 USD from account U3923921 to account U1294989. Batch: 11450478. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from fund-money.com.

Автор: AllHYIPs 18.9.2012, 20:16

scam! not paying!

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