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Золотой Король _ HYIP и инвестиционный серфинг _ htic - htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.3.2012, 14:21

Представляю Вам hyip:
htic - htic.biz; Старт[10/03] lr pm

6-9% ежедневно fot 20 дней

Принимаемые валюты:
Liberty Reserve Perfect Money

Мой вклад
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 3/23/2012 1:55 PM
Batch: 89233636
Sent To: U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info

Referral comission: 4%


Автор: AllHYIPs 29.3.2012, 10:38

03/26/2012 08:19 89456488 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
03/26/2012 08:25 89457014 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
03/26/2012 08:30 89457456 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
03/27/2012 08:32 89579881 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 1.4.2012, 13:58

03/29/2012 08:59 89815123 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
03/29/2012 09:02 89815469 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
03/31/2012 06:57 90029100 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 5.4.2012, 12:40

04/02/2012 08:27 90196156 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/02/2012 08:33 90196732 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/02/2012 08:44 90197695 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/04/2012 08:17 90436019 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/04/2012 08:25 90436809 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 12.4.2012, 10:31

04/09/2012 09:01 90922020 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/09/2012 09:03 90922289 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/10/2012 07:35 91021069 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/11/2012 09:08 91148801 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/11/2012 09:18 91149652 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/11/2012 09:30 91151082 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 15.4.2012, 19:41

04/12/2012 08:46 91265649 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/13/2012 08:10 91384466 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 4/14/2012 8:43 AM
Batch: 91495778
Sent To: U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info

Автор: AllHYIPs 19.4.2012, 13:26

04/15/2012 08:05 91574219 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/17/2012 08:26 91784977 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/18/2012 08:26 91907142 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 22.4.2012, 18:00

04/19/2012 08:07 92033467 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/20/2012 10:25 92175776 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.4.2012, 14:27

04/22/2012 10:22 92368784 U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
04/24/2012 09:45 92599802 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/24/2012 09:45 92599908 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/24/2012 09:45 92599961 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/25/2012 09:12 92725771 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 30.4.2012, 12:06

04/26/2012 09:09 92850732 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/27/2012 12:59 93004926 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/28/2012 08:51 93097095 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
04/29/2012 12:10 93192828 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 7.5.2012, 9:40

05/01/2012 07:06 93386066 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/04/2012 10:34 93810596 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/04/2012 10:35 93810576 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/06/2012 17:59 94055477 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 5/6/2012 6:37 PM
Batch: 94057736
Sent To: U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info

Автор: AllHYIPs 10.5.2012, 13:05

05/07/2012 08:16 94108232 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/09/2012 10:06 94405482 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 14.5.2012, 19:39

05/10/2012 08:46 94533958 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/11/2012 11:23 94686345 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 18.5.2012, 8:10

05/14/2012 09:48 94992265 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/14/2012 09:58 94993248 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/15/2012 09:32 95144668 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/15/2012 09:32 95144696 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/16/2012 11:59 95317979 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/17/2012 11:45 95457956 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 21.5.2012, 20:28

05/18/2012 08:58 95577485 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.00
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/19/2012 08:35 95694273 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 24.5.2012, 10:06

05/20/2012 21:44 95837900 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/22/2012 22:57 96142168 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 28.5.2012, 8:51

05/25/2012 06:32 96495606 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
05/26/2012 18:23 96712432 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 4.6.2012, 14:27

05/29/2012 00:46 96987874 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.91
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 5/31/2012 12:20 PM
Batch: 97379815
Sent To: U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info
06/02/2012 06:44 97656189 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 7.6.2012, 17:47

06/03/2012 22:35 97827186 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/05/2012 07:39 98024757 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/06/2012 05:08 98173997 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/06/2012 05:08 98174014 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 11.6.2012, 16:20

06/07/2012 09:32 98369495 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/08/2012 07:59 98516255 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/09/2012 11:58 98682716 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/10/2012 06:37 98758266 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 14.6.2012, 11:39

06/11/2012 04:58 98850928 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/12/2012 08:22 99041726 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/13/2012 10:13 99210594 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 21.6.2012, 11:10

06/16/2012 10:19 99658911 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/17/2012 08:16 99754936 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
06/19/2012 08:27 100040519 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 4.7.2012, 9:11

07/01/2012 13:09 101598699 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

07/03/2012 03:23 101783887 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

07/03/2012 03:25 101784105 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.7.2012, 9:19

07/04/2012 08:58 101948658 U6479018 (HTIC.BIZ) + $1.80
Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.7.2012, 18:36

102195523;07.06.2012 5:54;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 9.7.2012, 0:03

102455937;07.08.2012 14:47;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,6;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
102455914;07.08.2012 14:47;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 10.7.2012, 22:59

102668720;07.10.2012 8:35;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 14.7.2012, 20:49

103157900;2012-13-07 18:32:35;LRUSD;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;-30;htic.biz-all-hyips.info
103087735;2012-13-07 08:36:46;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 17.7.2012, 20:33

103555072;2012-17-07 08:39:59;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
103419628;2012-16-07 10:21:17;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 19.7.2012, 23:04

103863086;2012-19-07 11:05:59;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
103716130;2012-18-07 10:34:59;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
103715826;2012-18-07 10:33:12;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 23.7.2012, 20:48

104101085;2012-21-07 06:36:19;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
104101063;2012-21-07 06:36:09;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

104101085;2012-21-07 06:36:19;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
104101063;2012-21-07 06:36:09;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.7.2012, 12:21

104560725;2012-25-07 04:54:13;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.7.2012, 14:54

104710159;2012-26-07 07:00:12;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 29.7.2012, 21:44

104980145;2012-28-07 07:28:14;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 2.8.2012, 16:24

105247287;2012-31-07 02:02:36;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;0.0200;1868.7400;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
105404750;08.01.2012 1:14;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 6.8.2012, 11:08

105814993;08.03.2012 19:11;LRUSD;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;-30;htic.biz-all-hyips.info
105724460;08.03.2012 5:24;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 9.8.2012, 9:12

106058943;08.06.2012 3:58;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
106382070;08.08.2012 3:54;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 13.8.2012, 11:58

106707663;08.10.2012 5:23;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
106942601;08.12.2012 1:12;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
106942547;08.12.2012 1:11;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 16.8.2012, 11:28

107240169;2012-14-08 06:31:45;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
107240107;2012-14-08 06:31:34;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
107240145;2012-14-08 06:31:33;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
107550882;2012-16-08 06:41:58;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
107391085;2012-15-08 06:02:56;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 30.8.2012, 19:58

108132056;2012-27-08 12:34:54;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
108131998;2012-27-08 12:34:43;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
108131860;2012-27-08 12:34:01;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
108131824;2012-27-08 12:33:55;LRUSD;HTIC.BIZ;U6479018;All-HYIPs.info;U4842300;1,8;Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: Владмар. 1.9.2012, 14:24

Цитата(AllHYIPs @ 26.3.2012, 22:21) *

Представляю Вам hyip:
htic - htic.biz; Старт[10/03] lr pm

6-9% ежедневно fot 20 дней

Принимаемые валюты:
Liberty Reserve Perfect Money

Мой вклад
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 3/23/2012 1:55 PM
Batch: 89233636
Sent To: U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info

Referral comission: 4%


Вы интересный человек.

Автор: Владмар. 2.9.2012, 12:41

Цитата(AllHYIPs @ 26.3.2012, 22:21) *

Представляю Вам hyip:
htic - htic.biz; Старт[10/03] lr pm

6-9% ежедневно fot 20 дней

Принимаемые валюты:
Liberty Reserve Perfect Money

Мой вклад
You have successfully sent a payment from your account U4842300 (All-HYIPs.info):
Date: 3/23/2012 1:55 PM
Batch: 89233636
Sent To: U7013969 (HTIC.BIZ)
Amount: $30.00
Memo: htic.biz-all-hyips.info

Referral comission: 4%



Автор: AllHYIPs 13.9.2012, 10:07

12:05 10.09.12 Account Transfer -25.00 Sent Payment: 25.00 USD to account U2792229 from U1294989. Batch: 11447474. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. htic.biz-all-hyips.info.
14:06 12.09.12 Account Receive +1.5 Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11525464. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 20.9.2012, 19:19

09:32 17.09.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11669170.
08:34 19.09.12 Account Receive +1.29 Received Payment 1.29 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11729656.

Автор: AllHYIPs 28.9.2012, 19:14

08:23 20.09.12 Account Receive +1.5 Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11755168. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
08:50 24.09.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11890603. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

09:59 27.09.12 Account Receive +2.74 Received Payment 2.74 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 11993061. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 4.10.2012, 8:34

10:35 01.10.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12098804. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 15.10.2012, 18:14

07:58 04.10.12 Account Receive +4.3 Received Payment 4.3 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12212556. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
12:36 09.10.12 Account Receive +5.00 Received Payment 5.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12367492. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
08:49 10.10.12 Account Receive +4.95 Received Payment 4.95 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12391863. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
11:00 11.10.12 Account Receive +1.5 Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12423987. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
10:46 13.10.12 Account Receive +1.5 Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12478384. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 26.10.2012, 16:16

10:02 15.10.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12527877. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
10:22 17.10.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12597721. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
12:57 19.10.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12681158. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
09:45 22.10.12 Account Receive +2.45 Received Payment 2.45 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12769625. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz
08:39 24.10.12 Account Receive +2.5 Received Payment 2.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12827716. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 31.10.2012, 18:05

09:42 26.10.12 Account Receive +3.00 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 12880592. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 3.11.2012, 11:55

0:59 31.10.12;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 13024866. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 8.11.2012, 21:00

08:04 07.11.12;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2792229 to account U1294989. Batch: 13263840. Memo: Withdraw from account balance / htic.biz

Автор: AllHYIPs 18.11.2012, 15:31

htic - htic.biz

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